Russian Soul Sundays

Sweet Potato Soup

So, originally I was going to make a ton of sweet potato pies for Thanksgiving. It didn't pan out but I had about three big-ass sweet potatoes I needed to get rid of. I've been meaning to try sweet potato soup for a while and well, what better time than the present, right? Now, there are a ton of sweet potato recipes out there. I think my count was like,
Russian Soul Sundays

Ukrainian Soul Thanksgiving

I apologize for not posting as much lately. Between Bear's and Bae's birthdays, preparing for Thanksgiving, drinking tons of water, slathering coconut oil on myself, remember to not eat red meat, stay in contact with friends on various social medias, calling my parents, checking in with siblings, and meditating...a sista is TIED. Yes, TIED. I'm so tired, I can't even pronounce the last syllable. Anyway, faux first-world complaining aside, let's talk
Russian Soul Sundays

Let me tell you about buckwheat

No, not the fictional character, the food. I was recently introduced to buckwheat by the hubs. I honestly didn't know it existed but once I tried it, I found that I liked it. I also found it has numerous health benefits I think you might like. I would love to say it's a hidden gem within the clean living/vegan/vegetarian community but chances are, some of you may have known about it
Russian Soul Sundays

Oh-So Vegan: Portobello Mushroom Tacos

Okay, so I've made portobello mushroom tacos before but they were pretty plain - just the tortilla, maybe some sauce, and the mushrooms. Like I've said - Plain Jane. You can always take a favorite and make it better...or better yet, go to someone else's blog and use what they did! I did modify the recipe just a little. I didn't get a chance to use the roasted bell pepper sauce
Russian Soul Sundays

You Might Want to Try this Roasted Veggies Meal. So Bae.

For those keeping track at home, I'm still very much committed to my new healthier lifestyle. I had the option of getting a cheeseburger but I chose to have a grilled turkey sandwich (from Starbucks, no less) instead. Go me! And speaking of healthier lifestyles, I recently discovered this recipe. Now, I made it with chicken, however, I feel if you substitute the chicken with tofu, it'll be a great
Bento Box Ideas, Meet the Blussians, Yoda

Father and Son

I took these pictures of Bae and Baby Bae over a week ago. I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but hey, I'm rather impressed by how they turned out! [caption id="attachment_8833" align="alignnone" width="2047"] Holding onto Daddy after a fall. [/caption] [caption id="attachment_8832" align="alignnone" width="2305"] Feeling a tad bit better. [/caption] [caption id="attachment_8831" align="alignnone" width="2048"] Up we go![/caption] [caption id="attachment_8830" align="alignnone" width="2048"] A bit higher! [/caption] [caption id="attachment_8834" align="alignnone" width="2048"] And down we go! [/caption] I really love
Russian Soul Sundays

Last Day of 30-Day Vegetarian…

And well, I'm contemplating keeping this. It's been a crazy experiment in our household. Like I've mentioned previously, we decided to go vegetarian after I've watched What The Health and was inspired to make sweeping changes to our diet and lifestyle. As a result, I lost weight, my skin became a lot clearer, and I have more energy. My hubby can report the same. Bear has always had a plant-based diet
Russian Soul Sundays

This homemade falafel recipe is so bae.

I have to admit the one thing about this vegetarian (or semi-vegetarian) experiment is the creative and wonderful dishes I've been exploring. Today, I'm about to make a sweet potato soup. But the other night, I decided to really step out of my comfort zone and make falafel. The experiment taught me that I do need a better food processor (not all of the chickpeas were blended and required extra blending),