Ethan, Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

What Happens When Your Child Asks About Their Deceased Sibling?

Most parents are concerned about emotional and physical development when it comes to their children - when's the right time to talk about the birds and the bees? How to handle menstruation concerns? How to deal with male puberty? Some parents take it a step further and try to map out their child's financial future - will there be enough money for college? Do we have enough savings? Are they
Pregnancy, Preparing for Yoda, Yoda

Can’t Tell Me Nothing -Baby Review Edition

[youtube] It's funny when you become an expectant parent.* There is just choose from. Really, there is. And every company is like a drug dealer...'Hey know want this high chair. It'll make you feel real good.' So, today's post is about the hits and misses of things we had purchased or used over the past two years. If I can save you a bit of heartache (and money!), I've done

I Don’t Fuck With You

[youtube] What happens when you've already moved on? I had a friend, Ricci, who I was pretty close with. Years ago, she made a very bad decision and I strongly voiced my disapproval of. She was in a relationship with a married man and bragged about it. Not cool of you have a friend who's married. She got mad that I told her off and didn't support her relationship. I

So it’s been a long while.

A really long time. Like I think this blog was in blogging purgatory, not quite hell but far from heaven. Anyhoo, I'm going to dust off this blog and restart it again. Instead of playing catch up, I'll just start afresh. I'm going to talk about life with a rambunctious toddler, that SAHM thing I'm still getting used to (though I consider myself a WAHM), and my apprehension of going through another

Filed Under WTF: I Love My Husband, But I Want to Cheat

I've been pretty vocal on this blog about my marital issue. I say issue because honestly, it only is one, which is pretty good considering. We don't really fight about money (kinda hard to fight about money when there is none), and we don't let family conflict make a huge impact in our marriage. So when I read this article, my only thought was WTF? For those to lazy to click

Something Just Ain’t Right I have to having another baby really necessary? Having a baby has been everything I've expecting: late night, sleepless nights, stinky diapers, weird stains on floors, multitude of toys, toys that aren't really toys but he wants them anyway. Having a baby has been everything I wasn't expecting: I'm alone in this. Not figuratively. Literally. I'm a special breed - the stay at home working mother. I write and publish, do
Ethan, Pregnancy, Yoda

As   School has officially started, pretty much across America. A lot of kids are either returning to their schools, starting a brand-new one, or entering the final year at the one they’re at. A very exciting time. I remember being excited it was my last year in fifth, eighth, twelfth years and my senior year at college. Earlier, one of my April moms posted a picture of her daughter leaving for

Stranger in Moscow I thought long and hard about this post, debating if I really want to type it since I practically just typed a similar post last year. Then I thought about the circumstances and how I really felt. The Mike Brown tragedy affected me more than it should and that's just because it happens so often. Too often. It seems every few months now, we're hearing a story about an unarmed

We Are Family Last year when I was pregnant, M. and I went on a date night every week. We mainly did it because we knew how much things would change between us when Yoda was born and plus, we do like to go out. Now that Yoda bear is here, our date nights are a bit different. While we haven't actually gone out alone yet, we do find ways to incorporate Yoda