Pregnancy, Preparing for Yoda

Could You Be Loved I've been introducing Yoda to a lot of different genres. I've been on a Public Enemy and Wu-Tang Clan kick as of late, much to the chagrin to M. It's not like he doesn't like both groups, because he does. He just thinks I'm encouraging our son to Fight the Power and he's not outside the womb yet. I have been playing a lot of Michael Jackson and The
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss, Preparing for Yoda

Can It Be All So Simple? Swaddling. It seems simple enough as demonstrated: We watched this video last night to mixed reaction. For the record, we didn't have a problem with the video itself or the technique. The issue I had mainly, was seeing the newborn. So tiny! So precious! A widdle baybee! In a few months, I'm going to have one of those. Eek! I don't know how to handle something so small! The smallest thing
Pregnancy, Preparing for Yoda

Before I Let Go I finally chose my baby shower invite. I had it customized so I'm hoping my hosts have made their final decision because I ain't changin' this. [caption id="attachment_287" align="aligncenter" width="300"] This is a sample invite, btw.[/caption] I decided to combine two of my favorite things: purple and leopard print. Those who know me will tell you this invite fits my personality. I'm a little nervous about sending out the baby shower invites.
Ethan, Pregnancy, Preparing for Yoda

Say My Name As you may already know, we're having a boy. We nicknamed him Yoda due to the Star Wars theme we're doing for his nursery (which I quickly need to get started on). We have a list of boy names and to be honest, we really don't know which one is the winner. We had a list of names with Ethan (though I was determined to name him Jordan) and
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss, Preparing for Yoda

Fight the Power

[youtube=] I was looking at onesies last night. I wanted one specifically to be Yoda's "Coming Home from the Hospital" onesie and others for fun. I saw one that caught my attention. With the recent Trayvon Martin verdict, it struck a chord with me. I have a nephew, he'll be 15 this year, and he reminds me a lot of Trayvon. When the verdict was announced, I couldn't help but
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss, Preparing for Yoda

Playing Your Game, Baby So I decided to do a little splurge for this pregnancy. Probably the first of many. Remember this? Well, I decided to get them. You're probably wondering why in the hell did I decide to spend $50 on bellybuds instead of getting regular headphones and placing them on my tummy? Well, I wanted the option of walking around with the buds without trying to hold up a pair of headphones
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss, Preparing for Yoda

Fancy: Bellybuds

When I was pregnant with Ethan, I used regular headphones to play music for him. I introduced him to Keith Sweat, Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses, and classical music. I also had Maks speak Russian to him on a daily basis so Ethan would learn Russian and be familiar with Maks's voice. Needless to say we're going to do the same with Yoda, even though I think Yoda might