Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda at Week 32*

I'm a day late and dollar short, but I had a super fun weekend. I'll post details on that later. For now, let's check in on Yoda Bear. According to In the latest womb reports, your amazing baby has now developed sensitivity to temperature! Which means you’re likely to get a swift kick if you put a hot pad or bag of ice on your ginormous belly. For the Elton John lovers
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda at Week 31*

Though I'm well into my eighth month of pregnancy, we're still going by LMP until I give birth, whenever that is. Let's check to see how Yoda is doing now! According to This week, your amazing growing baby is around 3 pounds and 17 inches tall. With each added layer of baby fat, your baby's wrinkly raisin skin starts to look more and more like it will when they're born. The heavy
Filed under WTF?, Pregnancy

Superwoman The thing about being pregnant after a loss is dealing with anxiety. You're always wondering 'what if...?' and you're never quite comfortable being pregnant, no matter how far along you are. Unless you've had a late loss, unless you've had multiple miscarriages, unless you know the pain of pregnancy loss, you can't relate. You can't sympathize, you can't empathize, you simply can't. Being an angel mom is something no
Cerclage, Incompetent Cervix, Pregnancy

New Sensation had an appointment with my OB this past Friday. Yoda is looking great and measuring great. Still, no weight gain and my doctor doubts I'll gain any for the remainder of the pregnancy. I can still look down and see my feet for the time being. I had my glucose test on Friday as well and was nice to drink the flat Fanta-like beverage for a few
Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It – Week 30*

According to LMP, I'm 30 weeks. Of course, that's not the case. Nevertheless, let's check in on Mr. Yoda. According to Woohoo! You can finally see the finish line now that you're in the final quarter of the race!!! Whether you felt like your pregnancy's been flying by or slower than a snail scaling Everest, you've arrived in your thirtieth week and your baby's cookin' beautifully! In animal news: the fine lanugo
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Future Baby Mama

It's Hump Day Bump Day! Let's gooooooooooooooo! This week's HDBD post comes in the form of two photos:   You know, one of these days I will clean my bathroom mirror. This was taken Sunday.   This was taken Monday. I'm showing the different pictures to show how different my shape is depending on what I wear. How far along? 29 weeks according to LMP. Yoda, however, is measuring 32 weeks, which puts me in the eighth
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Show You the Way to Go One thing I've come to realize is that when you're pregnant after a (late) loss, people tend to forget that you went through childbirth with the previous pregnancy, if you were fortunate to experience such agony. Already, the comments of what I should expect are coming in from friends. Fact: I went through 13 hours of natural labor with Ethan, before I received an epidural. I know what childbirth feels like.
Cerclage, Ethan, Incompetent Cervix, Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Against All Odds It gets easier.  It gets better. But does it really? Those are things I've said to myself. Those are things I've said to others. But I wonder...does grieving over your pregnancy, your child...does it ever get easier? Does it ever get better? This December, it'll be two years since Ethan went to Heaven and it sometimes feels it just happened yesterday. I often wonder what his personality would've been like. Would he have
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Future Baby Mama

Today is HDBD. I took this picture late Monday night and I'm really glad I did since I've been sick lately. I'm really digging this top from Motherhood Maternity. I'm almost tempted to go out and buy a few more.   I've been meaning to add stats and here they are. Better late than never!   How far along? 27 weeks according to LMP. Weight gain/loss? Still no weight gain and probably with my newest