Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

Beauty Product Review: Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Clarifying Mud Mask

[gallery ids="9302" type="rectangular"] Masks are a funny thing to review because you never know if something worked until way after the fact. I'm talking usually within a day or sometimes a week. You need to see how your face reacts to it, if there are any funky ingredients you didn't realize you were allergic to, and if it's a brand you'll keep using. Sometimes, 24 hours isn't enough to make
Makeup and Natural Hair Care

Product Review: Olehenriksen Balance It All Face Cleansing System

All right, so I'm on the search of better face products. Not that the ones I've been using aren't bad - Noxzema, and Neutrogena have helped me clear my skin for years. However, I like to switch up things every now and then. Checking out the reviews of my fave store, Sephora, I came across Olehenriksen face cleansing system. Yeah, I can't pronounce the name so don't bother to ask
Makeup and Natural Hair Care

Makeup Review – ELF Lip Exfoliator (Brown Sugar)

It's been a while since I've done a makeup review, so let's kick this year off right with a product from E.L.F. E.L.F. stands for Eyes, Lips, Face (clever!) and while they're still considered to be a small brand, they have exponentially grown in size and popularity! I decided to test drive their brown sugar lip exfoliator: Now, it's supposed to help exfoliate and soften your lips prior to applying your
Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

Face Mask Review – Tony Moly

K-beauty (Korean beauty) is the new hot sauce in the skincare world. I was curious about the hype and seeing if the beauty regimens will make my melanin pop like whoa so I decided to give some products a try. First, stepping up to the bat - Tony Moly. Now, I'm going to keep it one hundred....I only picked out this mask because Bear originally picked it as he recognized the
Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

Beauty Review: Shea Moisture's Vegan Lip Balm

I have big lips. If you followed this blog for a while, you know this. I can't hide them nor would I want to. Women pay for a pout like mine. [caption id="attachment_8823" align="alignnone" width="1776"] Look at what the Lord has blessed.[/caption] So, when it comes to moisturizing them, I wouldn't say I spend a lot of money (really, I don't), but I'm very picky about what I put on them.
Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

Minamul Dry-Brushing Review

So a while back...a long while back (and I so apologize for the delay, Minamul!), the good people over at Minamul sent me dry brushes to do a review. Yes, dry brushing. Honestly, I didn't know that was a thing. But it's a thing you might want to try. Dry brushing helps slough away dead skin and revitalize your body. If you've been to a spa, you might have seen it
Makeup and Natural Hair Care

The Fenty Precision Makeup Sponge 100

Lord, that is a long name just to describe a makeup sponge. Anyhoo... As I'm anxiously awaiting to get my Fenty Beauty in my shade (440, to be exact), I decided to try another Fenty product - the makeup sponge. Now, all makeup sponges aren't created equal as I found out. There's a reason why one makeup sponge will cost $5, another will cost $12, and the granddaddy of them all will
Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

Prime Your Face

I'm rather new to the world of face primers. I didn't know there was a science on prepping your face even more before the first touch of foundation hits it. I'm used to scrubbing, toning, moisturizing, and then the foundation. Now I need to prime my face? It sounds weird but it's a dope concept. Primer smoothes out your pores, minimizing them and make your face overall smoother before you put on your
Makeup and Natural Hair Care

Product Review – NARS Soft Matte Complete Concealer

I love NARS. I love NARS. I love NARS. I love NARS. I'm not entirely sure how it was I discovered NARS (I think a Sephora rep gave me their product to try and I was hooked, or at least that's the urban legend I put together in my head), but it doesn't matter. I love NARS. It's very rare I find a product from them I hate. Well, hate
Makeup and Natural Hair Care

Hello Unicorn…

So, I've been kinda stuck on what I wanted to do with my hair. I'm like in that in between stage of wanting to let it grow out and wanting to go bald again. Yeah, weird stage. I decided to go completely different - unicorn. So maybe not quite like that...but kinda like this... Kinda like that.... I documented the process in my IG story but here's a small sample of what happened....(What