
You Haven’t Done Nothin’

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uQCJ6PzRdA&w=420&h=315] I need a clone. Or I need more hours during the day. I'm still trying to figure out my schedule but the problem is it keeps changing. I think, when I worked full-time, I knew the beginning and end of my day so I was used to continuity. Even when I was pregnant with Bo last year, I had an idea of when he'll kick in the morning, when he'll

Love Rollercoaster

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR9CRxY9Ne0&w=420&h=315] Health insurance, smealth insurance. Let me start out by saying I do support the Affordable Care Act - in parts. There should be affordable medical insurance for everyone and you shouldn't be denied because you have a pre-existing condition. That being said... I'm not a fan of the rollout. I was dropped by my health insurance due to the ACA and as a result, I had to sign up for Covered
Preparing for Yoda


http://youtu.be/47-xxp02PFg I have spent a small fortune on this child so far. I'm not really into designer labels or fashions, though I occasionally splurge on a very nice handbag or jewelry. I think it's something I've inherited from my grandmother and mother. They've always had nice jewelry and things, neither believing in putting it on credit. They both figured if they really wanted something, they would save up to afford