product reviews

Makeup Review – Black Radiance Nude Lippy

Over the years, I've become a fan of the nude lip. And being a dark-skinned woman, sometimes it's hard to find the right one that won't make me look like a clown-in-waiting at Circus Circus. While I have boasted about my love of NARS, I love a good dupe. I love saving money. Enter Black Radiance. Black Radiance is a brand that's been around for a while, and it caters specifically to
Meet the Blussians

Issa Garden Update!

My little garden that could is coming along nicely. So, let's check out what Mother Nature (and numerous bees) have helped me. Because I have so many plants in my garden, I'm going to break down this post into four parts - succulents, edible plants, fragrant plants,  and tree. Yes, just one tree. Succulents: I recently purchased succulent plant food (and honestly, I had no idea it existed nor was it something

Product Review: Shea Moisture Baby Box

A few weeks I received my latest Shea Moisture box and I have to say I liked this box a bit more than other ones. Now, it's not to say the other boxes weren't great, but I felt this one was more catered to having a small child in my care, than a baby. I also found a lot of great uses for it as an adult! Enough babbling, let's
Mommy Commentary

The Royal Wedding Gave Me All My Life!

I honestly I don't care about royal weddings. It's not a race thing. I simply don't care too much about royalty. I don't care what causes they do, how many kids they have, or what fashion statements they make. Nothing against royalty, but it's like either you like them, or you don't care. I don't think I ever encountered anyone who's hated them. I think the only time I was ever affected
Mommy Commentary

Because Being Black While Grocery Shopping is Frowned Upon

I need to make this very clear before I continue with this blog post: I don't like Donald Trump. In fact, I've never liked him. And I probably never will. I didn't vote for him. I try very hard not to pay any attention to him. It's hard since he makes the news every single night. I honestly think he's an embarrassment to the United States and the world. That being said, when he made this
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Why I Decided To Risk It All and Treat Myself

Okay, that title is being hella dramatic but bear with me here. I get iffy about Mother's Day. I still have a mother here and I'm one myself. But I always feel there's someone missing. For those new to my blog, I lost our first son, Ethan, several years ago due to incompetent cervix and subsequent premature birth. He lived for two hours. Ever since his untimely passing, I feel a
Russian Soul Sundays

Oh-So Tempeh

On our quest on eating healthier and cleaner, I'm trying new foods I haven't even heard of. The risk of being healthier is sometimes taking a plunge into the unknown and trying certain foods and vegetables you wouldn't dream of eating. Why would you eat something you never heard of? Exactly, you wouldn't. Hell, for the longest time I didn't. Now I'm a bit older and a bit wiser and
Meet the Blussians

Garden Update!

[caption id="attachment_9502" align="alignnone" width="1536"] Going to Home Depot has now become a tradition of sorts. [/caption] My new home project of creating a garden is fully underway. (Click here for a refresher.) Here's an update on how things are coming along: Here is an updated picture of the small and cozy garden. Let's go by each plant. Construction toys are not included. Bell Peppers: [gallery ids="9487,9486" type="rectangular"] I'm super excited at how the bell peppers
Meet the Blussians

Our Trip to Discovery Cube LA!

I've been meaning to go to DiscoveryCube for a minute. Bear is really into science (yay!) and I like for him to explore everything that it entails. Being a science nerd myself, I love exploring the stars, how things came to be, and why the world is the way it is. It's really fun and I can channel my inner Sheldon Cooper. I decided to take Bear there during the
Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

Product Review: Fenty Beauty Beach, Please

I love Fenty Beauty. I can't stop singing its many praises since its release and given I'm a diehard Rihanna stan, I have more reasons to love it. When I heard Rihanna was coming out with a body line under the Fenty brand, I was like, 'Bitch, please take all of my money.' ALL OF IT. As an awesome anniversary gift, my husband gifted me the entire 'Beach, Please!' collection, valued