Cerclage, Ethan, Incompetent Cervix, Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

My Sacrifice

http://youtu.be/O-fyNgHdmLI "Keep up the good work. I know you had to sacrifice a lot for this pregnancy." Those were the words my OB told me yesterday. I met one really crucial milestone and that was surpassing the gestation where I lost Ethan. Yoda is measuring ahead and it's just a huge relief. I haven't really put a lot of thought about this pregnancy and everything I'm sacrificing until he made that
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Future Baby Mama…lazy edition

Today is Hump Day, Bump Day or HDBD for short. I'm feeling hella lazy today so I'm not sure when I'll make my way to the bathroom for a picture. Instead, here's a picture from last Friday when I was about to have a lunch date with a friend. I'm really glad I'm past the 'Fat or Pregnant?' stage and my bump is finally bigger than my booty. Excuse
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda at Week 21

http://youtu.be/-IHcp8Pl_X4 According to babygaga.com: Your beautiful little miracle-gro baby will be putting on a full ounce and a half this week. And that's just the beginning! Within the next five weeks, they'll really be packin' it on as they start to gain fat! For now, we’re pleased to report the addition of rapid eye movement (REM); a key component to any healthy baby's sleep schedule, that indicates they're now capable of dreaming. Over in
Incompetent Cervix, Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

So Appalled

http://youtu.be/zUjO8cy-B9A   I'm part of a November Moms 2013 group on Facebook. It's a secret and many of the mothers-to-be there know my story with Ethan and this pregnancy. While I do keep them up-to-date with my progress, I also limit how much I tell them. One, I'm a little uncomfortable discussing my IC when none of them have it. I'm all for bringing awareness to IC and the treatment I'm
Filed under WTF?, Pregnancy

Filed Under WTF?

I should probably start a new category for this blog. Things pregnancy-related that just make no damn sense. This gem, I found online. If you ever needed a reason why I refuse to have a cake at my baby shower...   I have to admit the creativity of this...
Cerclage, Incompetent Cervix, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda is Half-Baked!

I'm at the point where I'm halfway through my pregnancy. I hit the halfway mark two weeks ago, since it's already decided that I'll get my stitches out at 36 weeks. This milestone is still a huge achievement, though. The next big milestone will be in 17 days, when I surpass the loss milestone with Ethan and then at the end of the month when I reach viability (24
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda at Week 19

http://youtu.be/-IHcp8Pl_X4 Although I'm measuring ahead, this week marks 19 weeks of pregnancy. Let's see how Yoda is doing this week: According to babygaga.com: Your favorite womb-hijacker is suddenly huge, at 10 inches in length! Pick your jaw off the floor mama. Yes, your wee baby IS bigger this week, but only because we're now able to measure their little legs which have straightened out enough to be measured accurately. Just in case the random
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda at Week 18

I apologize for slacking lately on the updates. Bed rest is making me very tired. Can you believe that? I'm more tired by laying in bed all day! Enough about me, let's check on Yoda's progress: According to babygaga.com: WOOHOO! We have two more ounces of amazing baby this week! Your super-cute uterus hi-jacker is smack in the middle of a growth spurt! Oh and guess what? They're also all slathered in a greasy,