Meet the Blussians

Meet the Blussians: Light Saber Battle

So last Friday, the three of us went to the Light Saber Battle in Downtown L.A. Yeah, you read that right - a Light Saber Battle. I wasn't able to get any light sabers for myself (by the time I shopped for some, the last one left was a really cool Darth Vader one that $50. Yeah. Even though we had $50, I couldn't fathom spending that much on
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss, Preparing for Yoda


[youtube=] Much to my husband's dismay, I've been listening to a lot of Wu-Tang this pregnancy. A lot. I'm determined to teach Yoda all the names of the greatest rap group in history. Naturally, I was so pleased to get this gem from my registry! This is Yoda's gift from his Aunt Kimberly and Uncle Tyrone. They also sent him a hat: Keepin' up with the Star Wars theme. You know, he just
Pregnancy, Preparing for Yoda

Could You Be Loved I've been introducing Yoda to a lot of different genres. I've been on a Public Enemy and Wu-Tang Clan kick as of late, much to the chagrin to M. It's not like he doesn't like both groups, because he does. He just thinks I'm encouraging our son to Fight the Power and he's not outside the womb yet. I have been playing a lot of Michael Jackson and The