So, it's been a hot minute since I've done a hair care review and now that summer is rapidly approaching (even though the weather is a bit of schizophrenic), now is the time to shine. I'm going to review a variety of hair care products. While it'll be for everyone, my main focus will be for those with Type 3 and Type 4 hair.
Are you ready? LFG!
Today is our 14th wedding anniversary. Crazy, huh?
Our wedding was crazy simple - we went down to the Beverly Hills Courthouse with some friends. Other couples were there and I remember it was a rather overcast day, but it became sunnier as they day grew. Our name was called and we got married by a Justice of the Peace. And we were married in five minutes.
Sometimes, I
This past week, our oldest girl, Sushi, turned 13. Can you believe it?! So crazy. I officially have a senior citizen in my home.
It's been such a joy to have Sushi in our house. We call her Ms. Sassafras, Old Bat, Old Girl, and plenty of other nicknames depending on her mood (because you know, that's how cats are!).
Still, if it wasn't for Sushi, we probably wouldn't
I know this is a late post, however, I'm a big believer that this is news you can use!
Every year that Bear has been in school, be it preschool or elementary, I've made his Valentine's packets. The first year with him being in preschool was rather simple - a candy and maybe a small card attached. I found out as time progressed, there are parents who do the
Happy International Women's Day!
To celebrate the best and most courageous women out there, I'm recommending these autobiographies. These are all books I have personally read, devoured, and went back for a second helping.
All of these women have gone through it and have come out on the other side shining bright like a diamond. Are you ready? LFG!
Becoming by Michelle Obama
I think I re-read this book about
I have full lips. It's pretty obvious I do. No, no fillers. No, no injections, neither. Just God.
And because I have some serious full lips, I have to take great pains into caring for them. It means a looooooooot of water. Yes, you hydrate from the inside out, ladies (and gents!). It also means I have to buy products for my lips to keep them sexy and smooth.
In honor of Black History Month, I'm proud to share with you some of the best children's books by Black authors you can purchase on Amazon.
I love children's books from Black authors because I feel they're more catered to us and plus, I'm all about representation. It seems there are more books out than ever and I'm so jazzed about sharing them, along with some personal favorites!
The Buy Guide.
It doesn't have a wow ring to it. In fact, it sounds simple as all hell. The Buy Guide? What the hell is that? Is it like Black Friday (it could be).
Well, let me school you.
The Buy Guide is a comprehensive website that's kinda like Amazon, but maybe a little classier and more niche, IMO. But hey, I love a good deal, even if
Hello family!
I am back yet again with another children's book for sale! This one is geared towards preschoolers and kindergartners.
I love creating children's books because when Bear was a small child, there weren't a whole lot of options back then and it's so nice to have more options available for parents at a very reasonable price. Instead of trying to pack up your children to head
As we're slowly approaching the 30th anniversary of his untimely death, I want to share one of my all-time favorite Kurt Cobain quotes and why it's so personal to me:
I've never been one of the cool kids. And honestly, I was never one of the 'down' Black kids. But I was always comfortable with being myself no matter what anyone thought about me. I still am. I'm a