It's been a while since I've done a garden update so let's get started on the successes and fails! Yes, I'm proud of my fails because it tells me to try harder. Let's go!
It's only fair to highlight the fails before the successes. I'm doing this to show even the 'I've never picked up a tool in my life' folks that gardening is not something you just plant, water
Maks has been trying to get me to go to a gun range for years. I say somewhere between when we were first married to well, now. So yeah, since we've been together almost 10 years, I say he's been trying for a while.
After the recent break-in, Maks was very insistent I knew how to shoot a gun. We currently have a rifle in our home, but it's not
Okay, so I'll admit - I never had avocado toast. I never had any interest. While I can see the hype of it and how certain restaurants are making an absolute killing of them, I don't see how anyone can pay for it.
For one, I can make it at home. And two, well, I have a hard time shelling out $10+ for something I can, well, make at home.
I received my latest Shea Moisture box. For those who are new to the blog, I'm a 2018 Shea Moisture Brand Ambassador so I'll be reviewing a lot of Shea Moisture products.
I received the Mommy box a while back and I had to figure out if this was a box worth blogging about. Don't get me wrong; I generally love Shea Moisture and I can say for certainty and
A home break-in ain't gon' stop the party...
We had planned tickets to go to see the Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC) and we went! Located across from USC and in one of my favorite spots to go to, it was so much fun!!! The crowd was live! The food was actually pretty good! We all had a blast!
And our team won!! Yay!!!
We were worried about how Bear would respond
No, that is not a bait-click title. We were robbed.
Sometime when I went to Costco yesterday and was gone for a mere 3 hours, we were robbed. The crackheads (I'll get to why we feel that way) stole two iPads (both Bear's) and ten dollars in petty cash.
Now, it's story time:
I went to Costco and made a last dash at Toys R Us for early birthday/Christmas gifts for Bear.
Disclaimer: Though I usually post a lot of vegan and vegetarian dishes, the following dish is NOT vegan.
My husband is Ukrainian. Russian-Ukrainian-Polish-Slavic and whatever else is in that Heinz 57 goodness of him. I have to admit, though we've been together for a long while, I haven't been making that many Ukrainian or Russian dishes. Yes, I'm a bad wife on that part. But I'm getting better!
I wanted to
I'm in my old neighborhood of Highland Park, Los Angeles, on a regular basis. While I do love living in Pasadena, I really miss the old neighborhood and its charm.
As we spent some time in town over the weekend, I stopped by an interesting shop called Prelude & Dawn. I haven't been there before nor did I stop by when I lived in HLP (I know, shame on me).
You never really know how your partner will be as a father until he is one. The same can be said for mothers; you just don't know until you're 100% responsible for a little human.
I knew Maks was going to be a great father because of how big his heart is. He's super generous with his time and energy. He loves to give people benefit of the doubt even
I'll be very clear - I'm not vegan. I have no desire to become vegan, but I do have a lot of respect of those who are vegan. And I have to admit - vegan food has definitely benefited my health. I've lost weight, I have more energy, and I feel better overall. That's why I keep preparing vegan dishes and sharing with you all what I find or