Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Show You the Way to Go One thing I've come to realize is that when you're pregnant after a (late) loss, people tend to forget that you went through childbirth with the previous pregnancy, if you were fortunate to experience such agony. Already, the comments of what I should expect are coming in from friends. Fact: I went through 13 hours of natural labor with Ethan, before I received an epidural. I know what childbirth feels like.
Cerclage, Ethan, Incompetent Cervix, Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Against All Odds It gets easier.  It gets better. But does it really? Those are things I've said to myself. Those are things I've said to others. But I wonder...does grieving over your pregnancy, your child...does it ever get easier? Does it ever get better? This December, it'll be two years since Ethan went to Heaven and it sometimes feels it just happened yesterday. I often wonder what his personality would've been like. Would he have
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Future Baby Mama

Today is HDBD. I took this picture late Monday night and I'm really glad I did since I've been sick lately. I'm really digging this top from Motherhood Maternity. I'm almost tempted to go out and buy a few more.   I've been meaning to add stats and here they are. Better late than never!   How far along? 27 weeks according to LMP. Weight gain/loss? Still no weight gain and probably with my newest
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda at Week 27*

Today, I officially hit the third trimester according to LMP. Yoda is still measuring ahead in both body and head, though my doctors are confident I will go full-term. Nothing like the thought of giving birth to a big-ass baby to comfort me. :P Let's check to see how Mr. Yoda is doing now. According to Your not-so-tiny-anymore baby (2 pounds and 14.5 inches long!) is slowly rotating in preparation
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss, Preparing for Yoda

Can It Be All So Simple? Swaddling. It seems simple enough as demonstrated: We watched this video last night to mixed reaction. For the record, we didn't have a problem with the video itself or the technique. The issue I had mainly, was seeing the newborn. So tiny! So precious! A widdle baybee! In a few months, I'm going to have one of those. Eek! I don't know how to handle something so small! The smallest thing
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Future Baby Mama

This is a picture from last Thursday. I've been doing a lot of sleeping lately so when I feel to take a Week 25 pic, I'll submit here. Probably on Friday.   This kid is all belly. I've only gained one pound within the past two weeks. Yeah, one pound. Blame that on the fact my family history is jacked up (high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, cancer, just