
Something Just Ain’t Right I have to having another baby really necessary? Having a baby has been everything I've expecting: late night, sleepless nights, stinky diapers, weird stains on floors, multitude of toys, toys that aren't really toys but he wants them anyway. Having a baby has been everything I wasn't expecting: I'm alone in this. Not figuratively. Literally. I'm a special breed - the stay at home working mother. I write and publish, do

Crazy There's been a debate, not necessarily recently but it's been gaining traction, on immunization. Before I delve further into this topic, I'll state my views on it with this link. For the full video: Now that's out of the way, let's begin. I have friends who vaccinate. I have friends who don't. The ones who don't, they have their reasons. Some choose not to for religious reasons. Some choose not to because