Russian Soul Sundays

Spicy Kale Salad!

NEW MONICA! via GIPHY It's amazing the stuff I can learn on Twitter. Someone posted a thread asking about the best salad recipes and well, I love myself a good salad. I found this one that I normally would've ignored but it looked promising with some ingredients I've never tried before. YOLO, right? Introducing Spicy Kale Salad. What's different about this recipe is that there are no measurements. Seriously, I
Russian Soul Sundays

Homemade Au Gratin Potatoes

I used to buy au gratin potatoes via the box. I figured it was easy. Just do this and that and voila, I have my potatoes. Then I discovered once you start cooking more, you tend not to buy convenience foods as much as you used to, if at all. Making au gratin potatoes by scratch took a lot less time than I thought it would. For that reason

Why Sweet Potatoes Are Amazeballs

I recently had mashed sweet potatoes. Well, let's backtrack just a tad. It's not the first time I've had it, but it was a first time in a long while I realized just how freakin' amazing they were. Despite my newfound sent home to glory moment in the kitchen, I had to wonder why sweet potatoes and its various forms (my favorite being the sweet potato pie) was so good
Russian Soul Sundays

Vegetarian side dish: Broccoli Tots

Sometimes, you're just tired of eating potatoes as a side dish. And maybe you're a bit over eating roasted or veggies. And you can only steam for so long before you turn into a personal sauna. I've wanted to make something different for a while but you know, lazy. I finally decided, okay, I'm going to make this and hopefully it won't suck. Enter broccoli tots. Now, as a warning, I do
Russian Soul Sundays

Vegan Side Dish – Sautéed Red Chard

Sometimes, it's hard to eat your veggies when you simply don't have time to prepare them. While I have been at fault for buying ready-made veggie sides (and really, there's nothing wrong with that because you're still getting your vegetables), I really prefer to use fresh whenever I can. We were introduced to red chard many years ago when our then-next door neighbor had leftovers of a food delivery service