Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week

I’m Lovin’ It – Yoda at Week 11

So yeah, I totally skipped over Week 11. Here's a recap: According to Your wee baby is now comparable in size to a plum! Go ahead... we'll wait while you run to the kitchen and hold one in your hand to marvel at the life form unfolding inside of you. Your baby's favorite game right now is exploring their face and especially their mouth. Not only does this game improve your child's newly
Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Keep It In The Closet

  Over the past several weeks, Maks and I have gone back and forth on whether we wanted to find out the sex of Yoda. I wanted to find out because it'll be easier for the registry. Well, registries since there's more than one. I think I'm at three now and I'm not sure if I started one at Babies R Us. Wait a minute, am I at three registries?
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

I’m Lovin’ It: Yoda – Week 6

Today, I'm in my sixth week of pregnancy! Let's check Yoda's progress: According to What to Expect When You're Expecting: Your Baby in Week 6 of Pregnancy You might be coping with full-blown pregnancy symptoms (sorry), but there's plenty of good news too. Your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form what will eventually become one adorable face. In addition, her kidneys, liver, and lungs are developing,
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

My pregnancy week-by-week: Week 4

I love doing the pregnancy comparisons per week. It's neat to see a photo to see what my little Yoda looks like. Yes, I named my little bean 'Yoda'. It just fits. So Yoda is the size of a poppyseed, those little itty-bitty black things on the bagel in the picture. So crazy. I have little poppyseed Yoda inside of me. According to Your fertilized egg, known as a zygote, is