Kids' Activities

Our Time at the El Capitan Theatre!

I'm so 2008-late on this post, but I have to tell you guys about our wonderful time at the El Capital theatre! Despite living in L.A. for the past decade-plus, I've never been to the theatre! When a few of my girlfriends offered the opportunity to go, I said why not? We were going to see the Haunted Mansion (great movie, btw, and the movie did the ride a lot
Kids' Activities

20+ Amazing Mom and Kids Activities (Some are FREE!)

Hello family! I apologize for the delay in posts but I'll do a post on that later. For now, let's get into the summer SZN!!!! (season for those who aren't hip!) So, it's time again where you have kids on you and you probably want them to do something other than play Minecraft and Roblox. You might have them in summer school and other activities, buuuuuuut let's face it, once
Kids' Activities

30 Rainy Day Activities for Everyone!

So, it's been raining pretty hard in L.A. this past week. Really hard. Hard as in we actually got snow in Pasadena. Yeah, for real. We. Got. Snow. Annnnnnnnnd I was snowed on! When it rains super hard, it puts the kibbutz on anything fun. And if you need to run errands, unless something has to get done that day, it's just gonna have to wait. As I was
Kids' Activities

Kids’ Activity Books for sale!

Yes, believe it or not, I don't just talk shit on here. I actually DO things! And one of the things I do is create children's activity books for sale! This is a passion project of mine as I always wanted to create children's books. Soon, I hope, I will have another children's book for sale. But for now, here are two activity books I'm very proud of! Please
Kids' Activities

Wine Cork Easter egg Stamping

So fun and easy for you and the kids (or adults!) Keeping Bear off the iPad and computer takes a bit more effort nowadays. However, he's always down to have some fun painting and doing crafts. I looked up some crafts online and found a great one and it doesn't take that long to do! All you need is: Paint Wine corks (preferably 6-8) Paper Pen or pencil to draw the eggs Instructions: Draw an
Crafts, home decor, Kids' Activities

So, we made a Black History Month door. It was awesome.

Bear had a voluntary school project in creating a Black History door. Normally, he and his class would create one at school but since we're still under Trump's pandemic, we're at home creating one. After going back and forth about who the door should be on - and we had a lot of choices - Bear decided on Vice President Kamala Harris. I picked up a special edition magazine
Crafts, Kids' Activities

Fall craft – Painting Pumpkins!

Can I just tell you how much I love Michael's? I just love everything about that store. I get my yarn, my crafts, and I spend a small fortune every time. So a while back, we painted fall pumpkins! This is just so simple to make! Here is what you need: Paint Wooden pumpkins Paintbrushes, tools, etc. Great music because you'll always need great music! Cost of said activity - it really depends
Kids' Activities

Cheap (and possibly FREE!) Magic Mud

Sometimes I buy cornstarch and wonder why would I need all of this? It's usually a lot in a container and sometimes it can last forever. I finally figured out other than the occasional cooking ideas, it'll make a great easy activity for kids. This is mainly geared to preschoolers, but my almost-7-year-old really loved this as well! So, I can say this is for kids 3-10. All you
Kids' Activities, Mommy Commentary

Painting Planters

Over the past week, we decided to paint planters. I've really taken up gardening as a great hobby. And there is nothing like growing and eating your own food. And since you take care of it, you know it's organic, which is the best ever! I wanted to spice up our garden a bit so we all did an activity where we each painted a planter. Materials: Planters (they're relatively
Kids' Activities

Homemade Science Experiment – Elephant Toothpaste

Bear and I love doing science experiments at home. One, it's hands-on and it's super fun (okay, that's two), but also, a lot of the ingredients and materials we use are SUPER CHEAP. That being said, let me introduce you to the Elephant Toothpaste Experiment. Here are the instructions courtesy of ScienceBob: A clean 16 ounce (473 ml) plastic soda bottle or a water bottle.20-Volume hydrogen peroxide liquid (20-volume