
Chalk and Crayons

Lately, I've been teaching Bear more of his numbers, shapes, and colors, in addition to what he learns at school. I'm proud to say now he can count up to 30 and he knows his American alphabet pretty well. While he's at school part-time, he's with me (us) full-time for the remaining days of the week. We don't want him to be overly dependent on his iPad and TV but

You Need to Invest in Munchkin's Bath Crayons!

I have a toddler who likes to paint. And I don't mean little dainty, staying within the lines type of paint. He likes to get messy. He loves to get colorful. I know this because I spent the past week cleaning paint off my carpet twice. [caption id="attachment_4025" align="aligncenter" width="350"] Maybe I wasn't that animated...[/caption] And I had a very unfortunate incident with a red sharpie marker on my walls. (More