Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Happy 14th Anniversary to Us!

Yes, we've been married for 12 years, and together for 14. One day, I keep saying we're going to do one of those cheesy 'Tips for a Long-Lasting Relationship' videos, but honestly, my only piece of advice is communicate. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Don't go to bed angry; stay up and fight. Always be on the same page about everything. Opposites attract but they don't often stay together. Your spouse
Mommy Commentary

The Best Ukrainian Music You Need to Know!

We listen to a lot of Ukrainian music here at the house and I can honestly say, it's one of my favorite genres of music. It's wide, just like American music. There's hard rock, metal, R&B, hip-hop, jazz, folk, ska, etc. Like, seriously there is such a wide range! So for this post, I'm going to share 10 of my favorite Ukrainian artists and hope you'll give them a
Mommy Commentary

The Soft Launch of Ksenfully Good!

I finally did what I meant to do some years back - create my own Etsy shop. And then life took over and I literally forgot about it until maybe a month ago. I decided I really wanted to just stay home and work like I used to, and I'm angling to get back to that. I love being self-made, and I decided, why not again? So, here we
Mommy Commentary

To My Day One, Sarah

I have a lot of friends, but I really only have a tight circle. One of the people in my circle, Sarah, suddenly died a short while ago. Sarah and I only met once, some years ago, but we were friends long before that. And we've been friends since that. We talked weekly. She encouraged me to do screenplays. She often bounced ideas with me about my writing. She
Mommy Commentary

Happy Father’s Day and Juneteenth

I don't like getting into the whole online Twitter fingers debate on whether single moms should also celebrate Father's Day. For all I know, people are getting upset over what is essentially a Hallmark holiday. But today is the day we celebrate all the dads out there, so Happy Father's Day to them all! A special shoutout to my hubby, Maks, for being a wonderful father to our son,
Mommy Commentary

30+ Cheap and FREE Summer Activities

Summer is right around the corner (and some parents like me, it's already here!). To keep your kids to be completely glued to their screens, I compiled a list of fun summer activities. I purposely chose ones that were either cheap or free because let's face it, you're going to be spending all your money on gas and groceries right now. Have fun!
Mommy Commentary

The Best Meditation App YOU NEED!

I'm real big on meditation. I try to do it everyday, and especially after a good yoga session. It gives me clarity, puts my mind at ease, and plus makes me want to tackle the day and other goals. If anything else, it also makes me sleep better at night and who doesn't love that? I used to have a favorite app but it unexpectedly shut down earlier this
Mommy Commentary

Lessons Learned from Heard/Deep Trial

I'll admit: I really didn't follow the trial closely (stay with me, now). It was in my face every time I turned on the TV, went on various forms of social media, etc. I was tired of it. And unlike a lot of people who said, 'Well, they both abused each other...' I beg to differ. I had no dog in that fight. Honestly, I'm a fan of Johnny
Mommy Commentary


As you all know I have three cats - Sushi, Smokee, and Buddy. I don't feature them as much as I should on this blog but that's going to change. But for now, here is a short and sweet post celebrating #Caturday! Buddy Smokee Sushi Do you have any pets? What are their names and ages?
Mommy Commentary

How Many More Children Will be Slaughtered?

I really have no words. Buffalo was bad enough. Laguna Hills was horrifying. And now Uvalde. All within one week. This isn't normal but unfortunately, it's America's new normal. I knew after Sandy Hook the politicians no longer cared and each mass shooting proves that. I'm fed up. We need to take action. Protesting and marching are no longer doing the trick. VOTE! To the police officers who were