I'm not gon' lie: this hasn't been the best past year.
Between caring for aging and sick parents, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the death of one of my best friends, this hasn't been the best year. I had a bit of a meltdown, contemplated exactly what I want to be when I grow up, and just was at a weird crossroads. You can say I was in
Some time ago, I was fortunate enough to go to a Lather store via being a member of a Yelp Elite squad (I highly recommend you apply to become one. It's FREE, and there are some fantastic events!).
If you have never heard of Lather, let me peep you up on game. Lather is a high-end luxury skincare and body care line that you'll see mostly in hotels. Sometimes,
Bear loves to go on YouTube. As I mentioned before, he has his own YouTube channel and he loves to follow various YouTubers (Mr. Beast and Flamingo are current favorites). I can't protect him from everything he sees on YouTube, but I usually try to explain things if there are question marks.
And the other night, Bear gave me a big one.
"Mommy, I saw there was bad
Well, technically speaking it's not really new; it's just expanded. But it's new to us!
Our old, problematic neighbors moved out (Thank God!) and our landlords decided we needed a bigger backyard. The old setup was our window looked out directly to the neighbor's backyard, which kinda made for some uncomfortable moments. The new setup is our bedroom window looks out into our backyard, which is perfect!
We given
So, we acquired a free Home Chef box from our former neighbors. They were moving and didn't want it and asked us if we would like it. Since I never tried a home delivery food box, I was eager to try.
Enter Home Chef.
Home Chef is a meal delivery service that gives you ingredients in a box and you can prepare meals with the recipes that come with.
So crazy when I began this blog, I was documenting my high-risk pregnancy with him. And now he's in 3rd grade! omggggggg
We're kinda at the Teenager mode of childhood. He has his own interests and friends, and well, Mom and Dad are in the background. He's had his first sleepover this year, and he often hosts playdates at our home. Bear even has his own YouTube channel.
We're still
Hello Everyone!
As I said in a previous post, I started my own home decor and printables shop in Etsy called Ksenfully Good. I just wanted to let everyone know I also do custom-made printables as well! Here's a sample:
If it's something you're interested in, take a look at the shop. I'm about to upload some new things this week!
Link to the Etsy shop is here.
I think I spoke about this detangling brush before but I think it's time to give it another applause.
Detangling Bear's hair is half-chore and half-no-thang. I try to do Bear's hair every couple of days so the amount of time to detangle his hair is minimal. Sometimes, I have to skip a couple of days and then we're both in for a very bad time.
After testing quite
Yes, we've been married for 12 years, and together for 14.
One day, I keep saying we're going to do one of those cheesy 'Tips for a Long-Lasting Relationship' videos, but honestly, my only piece of advice is communicate.
Communicate, communicate, communicate.
Don't go to bed angry; stay up and fight.
Always be on the same page about everything. Opposites attract but they don't often stay together.
Your spouse
We listen to a lot of Ukrainian music here at the house and I can honestly say, it's one of my favorite genres of music. It's wide, just like American music. There's hard rock, metal, R&B, hip-hop, jazz, folk, ska, etc. Like, seriously there is such a wide range!
So for this post, I'm going to share 10 of my favorite Ukrainian artists and hope you'll give them a