Meet the Blussians, product reviews

Patagonia is #TeamCozy

So, one of our close friends hipped us to Patagonia. Maks was complaining about how he goes through so many jackets because he uses them for everything - photography, casual wear, rainy wear. No matter how cozy the jacket is at first, it doesn't last very long. We picked up this nice jacket for Maks, but I wanted to talk more about the blue vest we picked up for Bear.
Meet the Blussians

Vegan Restaurant Review – Hinterhof

It's not everyday one has vegan German food. For real, for real. I was shocked, too. On a recent date night with friends, we decided to try out vegan German food. Now, I never had German food like ever. So I was a bit skeptical if I would like it. I've had had vegan food and I've really enjoyed it, so I was willing to try. YOLO, right? Enter Hinterhof Beer Garden and
Meet the Blussians

This Is Why You Need a Diffuser Like Yesterday

For Christmas, Santa Bae gave me a diffuser. As I've been trying to not rely on air fresheners and the like so much, I've been trying to figure out more useful ways to freshen the home without speeding up my death by adding so many chemicals, gasping for air, and not wanting my home to be a sterile as a hospital. And omgggg, I'm so dramatic. Now I'm a fan of
Meet the Blussians

My Interview with VoyageLA!

Shout-out to Mike Bhand, for being such a gracious host! A snippet: We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you? Actually, it has been mostly smooth with a few bumps. Because there aren’t that many black mom bloggers, I am able to stand
Meet the Blussians

Choosing a Good School is so Elementary.

The current issue that is stressing us the fuck out plaguing our family right now is where to send Bear to elementary school. We're not talking for a year. We're talking something he'll like for five years or more. While we were assigned to a school, it's not one that we want to send Bear to. The Great Schools rating is lower than hell, and some online reviews of said
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Why At-Home Parents Should be Excused From Jury Duty

It's story time, y'all. Recently, I was called into jury duty. Being a working at-home mother (I write books in addition to being an influencer), I simply couldn't do it. I sent the notice back telling the great people of LA County why I couldn't serve on the jury. A few months passed, and I received another notice from them: I was called in again and my "excuse" of being an
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Viewing the Rose Parade Floats!

I am very fortunate to live near the Rose Bowl and the Rose Parade. While I didn't get to see the parade in person this year (we entered a lottery for tickets and sadly weren't chosen), I was able to go view the floats the day after. I took Bear with me so he could experience seeing the floats like he did on TV. If you ever come to Pasadena
Meet the Blussians

Our Not-So Traditional Yet Traditional Christmas Tree

On this blog, I've explained how we celebrate traditional Christmas and Orthodox Christmas. We keep our tree for a long time, well into January. What might be unusual to others is really the norm for us. Each year we have our tree, it seems to get better and better. I should probably put myself on a Christmas budget, honestly. I go bananas. Anyway, here are some pics of our new
Ethan, Meet the Blussians

Happy Birthday, angel

Celebrating Ethan this year was different. I didn't cry as much as I used to (I'll get to that in a minute)It s, but the impact of his loss was still the same. After putting it off for so long, I finally decided next year, I'm going to get Ethan his grave marker. You're probably wondering why so long since it's been several years (seven to be exact). Well, a
Meet the Blussians

I’m So Bougie, Even My Tattoo is Designer

Note: This is the same review I left on Yelp.  I wanted a scorpio constellation tattoo for a long time but I didn't know what type I wanted. Off to Google where I found what I wanted, awesome. But then when it came to finding a good tattoo artist, well, they're a dime a dozen here in L.A. I stumbled upon June's page several months back and I was intrigued. I