Mommy Commentary moms, open letter, tough like a mother

An Open Letter to All Moms

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Hi Mama,


It’s been tough, hasn’t it?

The pandemic, not knowing the different rules, should you vaccinate or should you not, canceling playdates, making sure you have enough money for playdates…school is starting, do you have enough money for clothing…wait a minute, did you grow out of that already?…what’s for dinner? no, we had that last night…no, we had that last week…is there enough money to at least order pizza?

Staying up to do projects…realizing maybe you forgot the glue you were eyeballing and you could’ve sworn you put in the basket…or wait a minute, maybe it’s out in the car?… constantly cleaning, because there is always a mess…keeping up with the group chats…maybe wishing you were part of a group chat…forgetting to read a book for the book club…volunteering at school…not volunteering enough…

It’s…it’s a lot.

And sometimes, you can feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, you can feel very much alone. I know, I get it. I’ve been there. So has she. So have they. So have a lot of other moms.

And still, you manage to do your best with what you got. Maybe time isn’t your issue, and it’s money. Maybe money isn’t your issue, and it’s time. Maybe you feel like you’re not there enough. Maybe you feel like you might be there too much.

And it’s all okay.

Times are hard right now and everyone is going through some battle. Some are apparent with it and some are quiet about it, hoping the issue will resolve itself. But you got this. It may not be the best time period and you might even say it’s probably one of the worst you have ever gone through.

But you’re a fighter. You fought this hard to get to where you are and you’re not going to stop now.

Worry about the orange slices later. Worry about that huge pile of laundry that’s sitting in the chair for who knows how long. Worry about all of that later. Take some time for yourself, Mama, and pat yourself on the back.

You got up.

You did your hair.

You took a shower.

You put on some different clothes.

Maybe you finished that project you’ve been meaning to.

Maybe you’re about to start a project you’ve been meaning to.

This season is a tough one. It’s very unpredictable and it seems change is constant everyday. But you’ll get though this. It may be the very worst thing you’ve ever been through or it may just be a tough time in your life right now and you don’t know how to proceed.

I have faith in you, Mama. No mountain is too high and no river is too wide for you get past it.



About Post Author


Hi, I'm Crystal! Mother of 1 human, 3 cats, and a glorified housewife to a fantastic man. Let's have fun and enjoy life together!
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