I love Etsy. It’s like a form of crack to me. I try not to go on there too often because there’s a 99% chance I will buy something. I can stroll through Nordstrom or Target and probably won’t leave with something. But with Etsy? It’s a guarantee I’ll always get something.
And I got four new favorite things and two are from my favorite Black-owned shops! Let’s go!
This, by far, is one of my favorite shops. The owner custom makes all of her soaps and lotions and she often sends a small treat along with the purchase. They smell wonderful and I will always gladly support!

I just purchased a cute little cat mat (because why not? I have three cats!) and while it was a little smaller than I expected it to be, it’s perfect to be an indoor mat to get the feet extra clean.

I discovered them over the height of the pandemic and decided to try their Hot Toddy mix. It is strong and perfect. I highly recommend them and I also recommend you carefully sip the hot toddy because it will warm you up and get you crunk.

I recently purchased a Roblox name tag for Bear, which is perfect. He loves it! He loves it so much that Maks wants one!