Mommy Commentary

My latest Etsy purchases! (And why you should get them too!)

I love Etsy. It's like a form of crack to me. I try not to go on there too often because there's a 99% chance I will buy something. I can stroll through Nordstrom or Target and probably won't leave with something. But with Etsy? It's a guarantee I'll always get something. And I got four new favorite things and two are from my favorite Black-owned shops! Let's
Mommy Commentary

Black History Month: Best Black-Owned Etsy Finds!

I like to consider myself Etsy connoisseur. I browse the website no short than once a day and try very hard to limit my spending to once a month. I usually buy a lot, though, so it accounts for something. Recently, I have been heavily supporting my fellow Black-owned businesses. I encourage everyone instead of making a donation to a charity, to actually support a Black-owned business. They could