Russian Soul Sundays

The Best Trader Joe’s Finds! (Food Edition)

So, I'm a huge fan of Trader Joe's. I try to go there every week if budget permits. I love how it has a wide variety of yummy and pretty healthy things to choose from. I also love how it has a wide variety of yummy and not-so healthy things to choose from, lol. I was first introduced to Trader Joe's by a former friend. She raved about the store
Mommy Commentary

My Life as a Working From Home Mother

A question I get asked a lot is what my typical day looks like. A lot of people know I'm blogger, but very few also know I'm bestselling romance author. Yes, I don't talk about that part of my life because I try very hard to keep both my Mommy persona and my writer persona different from each other. Besides the fact that I do write books and I