[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZVdDl_asYY&w=560&h=315]
I learned a valuable lesson this week…
Listen to your body.
As many of you may know, Maks and I have been TTC for Rainbow Baby #2. It’s had its ups and downs but we both realized not being stressed out about it was benefitting both of us. (See Big News for a refresher.)
I have two fertility apps on my phone – Fertility Friend and Period Tracker. Both of them claimed I was going to be fertile for the first few days of 2016 and I would ovulate on Tuesday.
Good thing I decided to have a third opinion.
I always, always, ALWAYS will recommend to any woman who is TTC and especially to my TTC after 35 ladies, to use OPKs. If you are willing to spend the money for them, I suggest you get the Clearblue Digital ones. You can’t go wrong – smiley face if you’re about to ovulate, clear circle if not.
So, I’ve been tracking my ovulation on the apps and taking the OPKs. We’ve been pretty tired to have any sex but I wasn’t concerned because I was getting mixed signals. My body was telling me no while the apps were telling me yes. Huh? What’s going on here? Did I miss my window? Did I ovulate earlier than originally expected? Am I going to ovulate later than originally expected?
Turns out, I’m ovulating NOW. Three days later.
So, we’ll see what happens. Fingers crossed!