
#ThrowbackThursday – Breastfeeding Edition

I'm going to start doing #TBT posts on here to play catch-up since there was a long block of time when I didn't post at all. This was taken sometime this past spring since my hair is multicolored (it's currently a bright red). Fun story - I attempted to dye my hair a deep purple but it didn't pan out. It turned out to be a haphazard multicolor of purple, pink,

Start Me Up

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGyOaCXr8Lw&w=560&h=315] To Leash or To Not Leash? That is the question. I'll admit it - BC (Before Children), I was vehemently against putting kids on a leash. I couldn't understand why parents felt the need to do that. Are they really horrible parents that can't control their kids? Are their kids that uncontrollable? Why would you treat your child even less than an animal? Now having Bear..I totally get it. Bear is very independent.