Makeup and Natural Hair Care

Father’s Day Beauty Gifts That Don’t Suck

I think as a society, we have evolved in just giving coffee mugs and ridiculous ties to the fathers in our lives. I have to admit, I used to be guilty of just that. After all, I knew my dad liked coffee and he sometimes wore a tie. Now, while I will include the aforementioned gifts in this post, I think we should explore other things for our special men.

Will Oyin's Hair Dew Make Your Hair Delightful & Happy?

I'm a little behind on my product reviews so I'm back at it! Let's goooooooo! I've meant to try Oyin Handmade for a long while and I've heard rave reviews about them. Since my hair is often dry as the Sahara, I needed a fix. Consistency: Thick and smooth. It might be too thick. It takes a lot to squeeze it out. Smell: Buttercream and pastries. It smells hella sweet so if you have