Mommy Commentary

Why I’m Still a Michael Jackson Stan

    I’m a lifelong fan of Michael Jackson. Have been for years. I love MJ so much, I even introduced him to my son, who’s still trying to grasp why he looked one way in one year (Thriller) but completely different in another year (This Is It). I’ll explain it to him when he’s old enough. Never mind my parenting duties, as much of a fan I am of MJ’s, I
Meet the Blussians

How Prince Inspired Me 2 B Free

I debated writing this post. While most people can claim they're Prince fans (and I'm sure just about everyone is), he resonating something deeper within me. Being a creative, I'm in a special category. In a world where people feel they can dictate how you should act, perform, and create, you're often toeing the line between doing your own thing and actually pleasing the audience. Of course, many creatives just please