Biracial Hair Care, product reviews

Biracial Hair Care: Shea Moisture Kids' Detangler

It's been a while since we've done a biracial hair care review so let's jump right in it!I recently purchased Shea Moisture's detangler spray for Bear. I'm a huge fan of Shea Moisture and own and tried just about everything they have! Seriously. I went from being on the fence to being a bonafide fangirl of theirs. (Cantu and Camille Rose are also others I stan for.) Now we know
Makeup and Natural Hair Care

Finding the Perfect Leave-In Can Be Hard Work

One thing many naturalistas can agree on is how hard it can be to find the perfect leave-in. As you journey more on your natural hair care journey, you find what used to work for you, may not. Something that may be sworn up by many women, may have blah results for you. [caption id="attachment_2886" align="aligncenter" width="250"] My face when...[/caption] It can be frustrating at times and let's keep it 100, ladies...sometimes being