Meet the Blussians

Festival of Lights parade!

Over the weekend, Bear and I went on a day trip to Palm Springs to see the Festival of Lights parade. It was Bear's first time seeing it and he loved it! Here are a couple of pics - [gallery ids="1481,1482" type="rectangular"] On the left is my mom and I, and of course the second pic is Bear and me. Here's the youtube adventures. Again, nothing too exciting but I just wanted to
Meet the Blussians

#TBT Our time at the #mixedremixed festival!

I'm going to start doing Throwback Thursdays again to play catch-up on this blog. But anyhoo, here are some pics from our time at the Mixed Remixed Festival this year. I'm thinking about applying to be a panelist for next year's festival. [gallery ids="1476,1475,1474,1472,1473" type="slideshow"]
Meet the Blussians

Happy Birthday, Bear!

This past Saturday marked Bear's 2nd birthday. We decided to do something small because he's just turning 2. Nothing against those who do big parties for their toddlers, but we'll probably start doing those once he's in preschool/child care so he has more friends of his age to play with. In surprising news, my racist-in-denial in-laws decided they actually want to be grandparents for a change. Yeah, you read that

Nothing Even Matters

[youtube] Nothing new to update here. Today, I'm 12 DPO and I did test this morning. BFN. Honestly, I'm not that bummed about it. This past month was really shot because of the heat wave and our timing wasn't great. It wasn't like Cycle #2 where we really tried and still failed (that feeling really sucks, btw). So I'm hoping Cycle #4 is our lucky one. I've slacked on my daily walks so

The Thrill is Gone

[youtube] The excitement is kinda gone. It's been so long since we've TTC'd that I truly forgot how emotionally exhausting it is. Last cycle was a blow to us since we thought it was going to be our month. Even my pregnancy tests were, I feel, inconclusive. Not stark white negative but something was kinda there almost positive. As we all know, almost doesn't count. So here we are, gearing up for
Meet the Blussians

My birthday weekend! :)

This past Saturday was my born day! We were in the middle of a ridiculous heat wave in L.A. so that really hindered our plans to do a lot of things. My hubby had a photo shoot on Saturday and Bear and I tagged along. Here is a video of our adventures: [youtube] The people I tagged in the video are photographers, models, and other artists. Go check out their
Russian Soul Sundays

Russian Soul Sunday – Southern Cabbage

Okay, so I'm posting a Russian Soul Sunday recipe on a Monday; forgive me. It was my birthday weekend and it was super fun! More on that later. Here is the recipe I'd used. I should've taken pictures of it but take my word on it, it was great! I added sausage and potato to make it more filling. I usually add a side of hot water cornbread but I

Saturday Love

[youtube] I know I've been slacking on my Throwback posts but I promise to make them up to y'all. Here's an oldie but goodie: This was taken, I believe Labor Day weekend 2011. We went up to Santa Barbara for the day and came home. Come to think of it, we need to do that more often. I was about 6 weeks pregnant with Ethan in this pic. I don't know