Mommy Commentary

AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted

[caption id="attachment_5875" align="alignnone" width="693"] It's photoshopped but how much I wish it were real.[/caption] [youtube] Honestly, I have so much to say. As a Black woman married to a first-generation immigrant, who we both have gay friends, Bear's godmothers are Latina, and many people under this beautiful rainbow of life...last night's results are scary. I speak about race on here not to jam it down your throat but to show you how
Meet the Blussians

The Truth About How the Clintons Really Feel

I normally don't get political on here. I try to make this a fun and safe space. But sometimes...sometimes, you need to call someone out on their bullshit. I know during an election year, people become desperate and will say just about anything to get elected (or not, depending on your conspiracy theory). However, this right here... I'm not having it... [youtube]