Mommy Commentary

Grief Journal for Sale!

I decided to channel my grief into helping others. As I started to think about the rather complicated relationship I had with my father, I realized a lot of it was complex. And it was because my father was a complex individual. He grew up in Watts during the 1950s. He could vividly recall life before the Civil Rights Movement and how he participated in the Black Power movement.
Mommy Commentary

Mourning a Father I Wish I Had

My dad recently died. He's had a series of health problems over the years. Some of them were self-inflicted by lack of care and pure laziness. Some of them were things he just couldn't help and was part of the aging process. As it became clear to me that my father would die soon, I started to think about our relationship over the years. My father wasn't the type
Cerclage, Ethan, Incompetent Cervix, Pregnancy, Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

Against All Odds It gets easier.  It gets better. But does it really? Those are things I've said to myself. Those are things I've said to others. But I wonder...does grieving over your pregnancy, your child...does it ever get easier? Does it ever get better? This December, it'll be two years since Ethan went to Heaven and it sometimes feels it just happened yesterday. I often wonder what his personality would've been like. Would he have