Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

The Top 10 Co-Washes You Need. NOW.

Since I went natural some years ago, I've become a bit of a product junkie. While I have narrowed my faves down to two hands-down, you can't beat these products, there are a host of others I highly recommend. Now, as a precursor, I'm recommending these products for those who have Type 3 and Type 4 hair because that's the hair me and Bear are rockin'. However, cowashes are
Biracial Hair Care, product reviews

So You Want More Bounce In Your Curls?

A question I get a lot (and from adults, surprisingly!) is how I manage Bear's curls. I would love to say it's just a magical thing and he naturally wakes up like that every morning, but no. I have to work at it. Here is what I use and the various tips that could help you. I've also included my Bear's curly hair playlist for you to check out! Know thy
Biracial Hair Care

Biracial Hair Care Review: Is As I Am Full of Magic?

Let me begin with a preface for those who are new to the blog: I often use hair care products that wouldn't be typically geared to biracial/mixed and/or curly hair. I want to show what products work best for curly hair as well as what I typically have in my armory. It's one of the benefits of being a naturalista - whatever I use on my hair, I can