In honor of Black History Month and keeping up the theme of spotlighting Black-owned brands, I present some businesses that are available on It may be something you've already known about or something new to you.
This is a list that is wide-ranging from health supplements to hair care to makeup brands. Please note, while these brands are founded by Black folks, it is not just for Black
Tag: Amazon
I remember learning cursive writing in 3rd grade and before I became a mom, I thought it was just something every school still did. To my chagrin, cursive writing was pulled out of schools, only to reverse course years later.
The beautiful thing about being a parent is parental choice. While it has rightfully gained a negative connotation, I'm using this as a positive thing. Over the course of
In honor of Black History Month, I'm proud to share with you some of the best children's books by Black authors you can purchase on Amazon.
I love children's books from Black authors because I feel they're more catered to us and plus, I'm all about representation. It seems there are more books out than ever and I'm so jazzed about sharing them, along with some personal favorites!
Hello family!
I am back yet again with another children's book for sale! This one is geared towards preschoolers and kindergartners.
I love creating children's books because when Bear was a small child, there weren't a whole lot of options back then and it's so nice to have more options available for parents at a very reasonable price. Instead of trying to pack up your children to head
I've gotten into journaling lately and it's been...a ride, not gonna lie.
As I deal with my emotions in a healthy manner and not through a pint of Haagen-Dazs, I have to acknowledge something painful in addition to my response to it. Many natural responses are anger, shutting down, and well, eating a pint of Haagen-Dazs.
Looking into getting the right type of journal was not an easy task.
About 10 years ago (crazy, huh?), I started this blog to document my high-risk pregnancy with Bear. Back then, there wasn't too much information about high-risk pregnancies other than some online groups. While I had something in common with those groups, I needed an outlet to share and document my journey.
Thus this blog was born.
This blog has undergone a lot of name changes. Some of you might
Yes, it's that wonderful time of the year already. ALREADY.
It seems like the summer literally just got started before we were bombarded with back-to-school sales. For some of you, this might be too soon as you have a bit of a ways to go before school is back in session. For others, like myself, school is around the corner and it wouldn't help but to get a head
Bear has a lot of toys. Too many toys. Bucketload of toys. Pantload of toys. So many toys he could easily open a Toys R’ Us in his bedroom! And he does play with most. Every year before his birthday, we take a day for him to go through the toys he no longer plays with.
He understands the toys aren’t being thrown away but rather, donated to kids who
It's about that time again.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I'm actually drinking one right now). Cozy sweaters. Warm blankets. And nothing but the best fall, pumpkin, and apple spice one can handle!
While there are so many stores to choose from and trust me, I've been to plenty of them! I highly recommend buying your fall decor from Amazon. Not only will you save some money, but it's also safer.
I know, crazy?
After 18 months of uncertainty, it's pretty certain that most of our kids will be back to school this fall. That also means, it's time to get ready!
I'll break this post down by clothing, shoes, and materials to get you and your little one ready for back-to-school!
Bear goes to a school that requires uniforms and just about every place has great deals on