Mommy Commentary

It’s our 15th dating anniversary!

Normally, this would've been a super happy post but due to recent events, it's a bit somber this year. We'd planned to go to the Grand Canyon but due to my father's sudden death, that trip has been postponed to later this year. We're going to celebrate at home and keep it very low-key. We're going to have steaks and maybe I'll get a nice cake for us
Mommy Commentary

How to Explain Death to a Child

My father recently died. While his death wasn't that much of a surprise since he'd been sick for a long while, the quick deterioration of his health leading to his death was a shock. It also meant I had to explain to my 9 1/2 year old son about death. It's not like I'm shielding Bear from the world. He was very active with me during the BLM protests
Mommy Commentary

Mourning a Father I Wish I Had

My dad recently died. He's had a series of health problems over the years. Some of them were self-inflicted by lack of care and pure laziness. Some of them were things he just couldn't help and was part of the aging process. As it became clear to me that my father would die soon, I started to think about our relationship over the years. My father wasn't the type
Kids' Activities

20+ Amazing Mom and Kids Activities (Some are FREE!)

Hello family! I apologize for the delay in posts but I'll do a post on that later. For now, let's get into the summer SZN!!!! (season for those who aren't hip!) So, it's time again where you have kids on you and you probably want them to do something other than play Minecraft and Roblox. You might have them in summer school and other activities, buuuuuuut let's face it, once
Mommy Commentary

The Best 10 Bible Verses for Mom

Mother's Day is right around the corner! It's a time to reflect, celebrate, and show the mother in your life how much she means to you. It's also another way, as one who is a Mom herself, to celebrate and remember how fabulous you are no matter the circumstances. As you prepare to pamper yourself or the special mother in your life, here are some Bible verses to honor
Mommy Commentary

15 Hobbies for Moms!

It takes a lot to be a Mom. Besides the constant cooking, cleaning, homework-helping, grocery-store running, PTA meeting-attending, playdate-hosting, and a host of other're not left with a whole lot of time just for you! However, the time you end up having can be super productive if you want to be! I came up with a list of 15 hobbies for all moms to partake in (not at
Mommy Commentary

An Open Letter to All Moms

Hi Mama, It's been tough, hasn't it? The pandemic, not knowing the different rules, should you vaccinate or should you not, canceling playdates, making sure you have enough money for is starting, do you have enough money for clothing...wait a minute, did you grow out of that already?...what's for dinner? no, we had that last, we had that last there enough money to at least order
Mommy Commentary

15 Questions to Ask Your Child After School

I always ask Bear how his day was. Sometimes, he'll go into detail and tell me everything. Sometimes, I'll be lucky if I get a few bits of info from him. I figured out why my approach was all wrong and Bear's answers were so succinct - they were too easy. if I ask, 'How was your day?', you're probably going to answer with something like good, bad, or
product reviews

We Tried it From TikTok: Naturium Skincare

So, there’s been a new thing going around on TikTok: the Naturium skincare challenge. It’s supposed to guarantee to make your skin softer and smell fresher. If you have acne, dry skin, or any other skin problems, this would do the trick! So, I decided to try it! It doesn't have a smell, which was a bit disappointing. I like my body washes smelling great so I can smell great.
Kids' Activities

Our visit to the USS Iowa

Bear has taken an interest in ships. Partially because he and Maks play World of Warships every night. Maks brought home a bunch of books for Bear to comb through and he just fell in love reading about the history of old warships. So, we thought, 'Hey, wouldn't it be fun to take Bear to see one?' Maks got us tickets to visit the USS Iowa, and we drove down.