I'm so 2008-late on this post, but I have to tell you guys about our wonderful time at the El Capital theatre!
Despite living in L.A. for the past decade-plus, I've never been to the theatre! When a few of my girlfriends offered the opportunity to go, I said why not? We were going to see the Haunted Mansion (great movie, btw, and the movie did the ride a lot
It seems that's the in-word nowadays. People want to manifest peace. Others want to manifest money. Some want to manifest good grades. We all have something we desire, and manifesting seems the way to go.
While it's become an "in thing", manifestation is nothing new. If you pray, that's manifesting. If you put something out in the universe, that's manifesting. Manifesting comes in different forms and many people
I often get comments on Bear's curly hair. He's never had a haircut, other than some trims here and there. I always tell them the same thing - you need to find products that work for your child's hair, and stick with them.
I try to do Bear's hair three times a week, and do it under 20 minutes, if possible. It used to be ten minutes, but as
I decided to channel my grief into helping others.
As I started to think about the rather complicated relationship I had with my father, I realized a lot of it was complex. And it was because my father was a complex individual. He grew up in Watts during the 1950s. He could vividly recall life before the Civil Rights Movement and how he participated in the Black Power movement.
Over the weekend, Southern California (L.A., San Diego, the Inland Empire, and the Coachella Valley) received some of the heaviest rain ever....and an earthquake on top of it.
Yeah. Top that, Florida!
While it wasn't that bad for us in Pasadena, there were many other areas that were severely impacted - including my hometown of Palm Springs.
So, what are my tips for staying inside and bracing for two
If you're not familiar with Terrell Starr, you should be. He's an American scholar/independent journalist who lives in Ukraine and has covered both invasions from Russia on Ukraine.
I should add, he's a Black American journalist.
The worldwide media, I feel, intentionally covered the Russian invasion of Ukraine as evil white people killing poor white people. Ukraine, however, is a lot more diverse than that. There are Latino Ukrainians,
I'm a member of Reddit. After toying around with Space Karen (aka Elon Musk), I decided I needed a better social media space to be fun and free. While Reddit has its share of AITA posts (and believe me, they are the assholes in some of them!), a lot of subreddits have been very useful.
I'm a part of the Cleaning Tips subreddit and I've been getting my life
So, in the last post, I talked about the things you can do at home as a family on super hot days. It's time to talk about things you can at home solo.
Maybe you have some free time alone or maybe you just need to chill for a bit. Now, you could catch up on cleaning, Netflix (or whatever streaming app you prefer), or just sleep (I highly
This summer, if you haven't noticed, has been record-breaking with heat worldwide. I know personally for us, it was so hot last week, we couldn't even leave the house! That's how hot it was!
However, just because we were stuck inside doesn't mean we didn't have any fun! While being on the ever-present Roblox and the like can get old after a while, it's always fun to do some
Yes, it's that wonderful time of the year already. ALREADY.
It seems like the summer literally just got started before we were bombarded with back-to-school sales. For some of you, this might be too soon as you have a bit of a ways to go before school is back in session. For others, like myself, school is around the corner and it wouldn't help but to get a head