I'm trying to go as clean as possible. I guess being home so much made me realize how many chemicals I use on a regular basis. While I don't have an issue with that (I really don't), I also don't want my home smelling like bleach every damn day.
Homemade potpourri to the rescue.
I love Pinterest for the simple fact I can get so many ideas from there
Christmas is less than a week away and I know many of you have done your shopping. But if you're a last-minute shopper (like me!) and you don't want to go out to the stores, here are some gifts you can give without leaving your home. In fact, you probably don't have to wait for delivery for many of these!
Here are my recommendations for the best Amazon gifts
I love test-driving new recipes and this is a great one. I used to buy this at the grocery store and I decided to just try it on my own! And guess what? It turned out better!
1 pound dry macaroni noodles or similar1 pound lean ground beef2 cloves garlic minced1 cup diced onion1 can crushed tomatoes 28 oz1/2 cup tomato sauce3-4 Tablespoons tomato paste1/2 teaspoon dry basilSeasoned salt to tastePepper to taste3 cups shredded cheddar cheese divided1/4 cup freshly shredded parmesan cheese3 Tablespoons chopped fresh parsley divided
Preheat oven to 375.Cook noodles according to package.
Every year, it seems the time Ethan was on Earth becomes a distant memory. Yet, every year, I'm constantly reminded of what isn't and what could've been.
It's a weird conundrum. I want to remember everything about my son, but I also don't want to remember the hurt and pain of it all.
And it sucks. I'm not going to lie and say it's been an easy road. The
Tis the season to blow money....fa la la la la la la la...
With #blacklivesmatter being prominent this year and the protests have significantly slowed down, the support of the Black community is stronger than ever.
It doesn't mean #blacklivesmatter was only a summer thing; it's everyday life. Here are some Black-owned brands I have personally patronized and can say it with my whole chest you need to support. Let's
As with most of everyone, I've spent a lot more time cleaning this year. Disinfecting everything, cleaning things sometimes twice in a day, and making sure I stay sane through it all.
Today, I want to share some of the products I've used to clean. I'll give you a hint - it's not Lysol. In fact, I've made my own Lysol before.
Now, these products are readily available and
Seven years ago, Bear was born a week before Maks's birthday. They never really celebrated their birthdays together but we've always honored them.
I like to take the time to reflect on my family. I don't really speak on my family very much on the blog, but I'm so appreciative of them. This year has really taught me what is important and what isn't. Just being so close
I need to preface by saying we don't got it like that. Therefore, don't ask for money.
Backstory: We had a leased 2017 Kia Sorento, fully-loaded. Y'all...I loved that car. Loved it, loved it, loved it. We wanted to buy it and were serious about purchasing it. When we inquired about it the first time, the sales people at a local Kia told us it wouldn't make sense from
So, I might be a little bias in writing this post.
Maks works for the City of Beverly Hills. Bear and I have frequented the library a lot when he was a baby and hopefully it'll be safe to go back at some point. But that's not the point of this post! They have a neat little story time program that's absolutely FREE to watch anywhere!
Just click and
Can I just tell you how much I love Michael's? I just love everything about that store. I get my yarn, my crafts, and I spend a small fortune every time.
So a while back, we painted fall pumpkins! This is just so simple to make! Here is what you need:
Wooden pumpkins
Paintbrushes, tools, etc.
Great music because you'll always need great music!
Cost of said activity - it really depends