It's amazing the stuff I can learn on Twitter.
Someone posted a thread asking about the best salad recipes and well, I love myself a good salad. I found this one that I normally would've ignored but it looked promising with some ingredients I've never tried before.
YOLO, right?
Introducing Spicy Kale Salad. What's different about this recipe is that there are no measurements. Seriously, I
I've written about this topic before but now is a great time for a refresh.
Bear does pretty well in school; in fact, he's amazing! He currently reads at a 5th/6th grade level and is very quick with math. His writing still needs a lot of work, but he's improving by the week!
Now, I'm not one of those parents who send their child to school so the teacher
So, maybe saying "sorry" is too harsh with him. I loathed that man so much, I'm not even going to waste my beautiful blog with his picture. You want to know what Satan's Child looks like, Google.
I learned of Dead Samuels through various message boards and social media streams. Every time I saw a video of his - a rather scathing video attacking Black women, mind you -
Okay, I recognize it's almost May and it's probably a wee bit late to start a hair challenge this late in the game. However, since I successfully completed my last hair challenge, I needed something new to do.
Now, I have to be honest with my goals here - I'm not going for a certain length, though I did previously say I wanted bra-strap length. I am going for
I’ve lived in L.A. for many years. I moved here back in late 2009. I moved to Pasadena around 2018. I’m not an L.A. expert by any means. I just recently found out–by accident–I can take the backroads in Pasadena to go to Glendale and skip pretty much all the freeway traffic.
I really don’t like to venture to the westside (Santa Monica, Century City, Inglewood, et al.) unless I
So, I used to do food delivery to make extra money and I would often get delivery orders from sweetgreen. I have no idea about the restaurant other than everything seemingly came in a bowl. The tips were always great from this place and I have to think it had something to do with how expensive it was.
It is, let me correct.
Recently, I decided to finally see
So, I started buying a lot of frozen pizza lately. No reason other than I work at home a lot more now and sometimes I don't have the want to go out and get something to eat. I'm also being rather money-conscious of how much I do spend on eating out so I want to be careful about that.
I've been getting more into frozen pizzas. For the record,
I've seen that hashtag for a while. Now, to clarify, it's a play on 12 Years a Slave, and if you've seen the movie, you wouldn't dare to use that as a hashtag to celebrate your wifedom/anniversary.
So, why am I saying this? Because today is our 12-year wedding anniversary.
It's been an interesting past two years. We had to deal with Covid for the big 10-year anniversary, and
Yes, believe it or not, I don't just talk shit on here. I actually DO things!
And one of the things I do is create children's activity books for sale!
This is a passion project of mine as I always wanted to create children's books. Soon, I hope, I will have another children's book for sale. But for now, here are two activity books I'm very proud of! Please