Mommy Commentary

The Cats Finally Have an Amazon Wishlist!

So, as I've been posting the cats on YouTube and they have developed quite the following, I took a follower's suggestion and created a wishlist for them. All gifts are appreciated! Before anyone sends a gift, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can see more of the cats here. Sushi - 12 years old. Sushi is very set in her ways, but she's become more open to what
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Our 13th Wedding Anniversary!

It's been a crazy 13 years. A lot of ups and downs, but it's been a solid ride overall. The one thing I can take from marriage is there must be a lot of communication and compromise. You also have to love and trust each other and respect each other's differences and interests. You don't have to be into the same things; sometimes, you don't even have to sleep
Mommy Commentary

How We Celebrated Sushi’s 12th Birthday

Not everyday do we have a cat in her elder years. We've had Sushi since 2011 and she's been entertaining, to say the least. She's been our protector, our entertainment, our annoyance at times, but most of all, she's been everything. I can't imagine life without her and quite frankly, I don't want to. We decided to go a little 'big' for her birthday. We posted her on YouTube
Mommy Commentary

The Only Self-Help Book You Need to Read

It's been a while since I read a book that wasn't fiction. Sometimes, I read memoirs (which I love celebrity ones), and I often watch documentaries (and I just finished the one on the Murdaugh family; I'll save that review for another blog post!). But self-help books have never been my thing. I don't think they can't help, but I've always just never felt reading a book on improving
Mommy Commentary

My latest Etsy purchases! (And why you should get them too!)

I love Etsy. It's like a form of crack to me. I try not to go on there too often because there's a 99% chance I will buy something. I can stroll through Nordstrom or Target and probably won't leave with something. But with Etsy? It's a guarantee I'll always get something. And I got four new favorite things and two are from my favorite Black-owned shops! Let's
Kids' Activities

30 Rainy Day Activities for Everyone!

So, it's been raining pretty hard in L.A. this past week. Really hard. Hard as in we actually got snow in Pasadena. Yeah, for real. We. Got. Snow. Annnnnnnnnd I was snowed on! When it rains super hard, it puts the kibbutz on anything fun. And if you need to run errands, unless something has to get done that day, it's just gonna have to wait. As I was
Mommy Commentary

Bear was featured in an Ukrainian Magazine!

Bae (@caliwinter) took pictures of various Ukrainian rallies he attended last year and Bear would often tag along with him. One of the photos was featured in Plivka People Magazine (@plivkapeoplemag) that had Bear wrapped up in the Ukrainian flag! I'm so proud of them both! Please support Ukraine: Black is Polish Ukrainian LGBTQIA Black Women for Black Lives
Mommy Commentary

It’s #Caturday! Introducing our kids!

I always talk about our cats, but I don't think I ever actually introduce them to our audience here. I have featured all three of our cats - Sushi, Smokee, and Buddy - on our YouTube channel so now it's time for them to have their time to shine! Sushi She's our oldest cat at 12. We got her at a local shelter as we healed from one miscarriage and
Mommy Commentary

5 Tips to Help You Take Care of a Sick Child

Recently, Bear came down with an awful stomach virus. It'd been going around his campus and it was Bear's lucky turn to get it over the weekend. After a night of vomiting, followed by a fever, followed by a nasty bout of diarrhea, Bear is finally better. (He also had a check-up at his pediatrician's office to ensure he was okay.) Caring for Bear over the weekend made me realize