Mommy Commentary

Why I Celebrated PAIL Quietly This Year

PAIL: Pregnancy and Infant Loss. October is recognized as PAIL awareness, honoring our lost babies and helping other mothers to know they're not alone. In the years past, I've always lit a candle in honor of our son, Ethan, who was born prematurely at 22 weeks. This year, I did the same as I always did. However, things were a bit different this year. I did it quietly. I
Mommy Commentary

It’s My Born Day!

Me at 21. Turning 40 is huge. Honestly, every decade is big. If you think about all of the people that died at a young age, the older you get is a blessing. Some people make fun of their age (Damn, I'm old!) and some people are trying hard not to age (various plastic surgery and over the counter products to reduce aging). Honestly, I embrace it. Me at 30. I
Mommy Commentary, Yoda

We have a new kitten

Over the past several months, Maks and I have gone back and forth about adding a kitten to our family. I should note I'm actually a dog person, but I've grown to love cats. I grew up with several and I'm rather fond of them. While we don't have the space (yet) for a dog, we figured we could add another cat. As we're in the process of trying
Mommy Commentary

Why I’m Still a Michael Jackson Stan

    I’m a lifelong fan of Michael Jackson. Have been for years. I love MJ so much, I even introduced him to my son, who’s still trying to grasp why he looked one way in one year (Thriller) but completely different in another year (This Is It). I’ll explain it to him when he’s old enough. Never mind my parenting duties, as much of a fan I am of MJ’s, I
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Explaining Death to a Child Really Sucks

Over the weekend, my puppy, Shorty, died. He was 14 years old and was in poor health for a short while. He had a series of seizures and my mom finally took him to the clinic where the vet confirmed the seizures were actually heart attacks and Shorty had cognitive heart failure. She gave my mom medication and I hoped that would've extended his life. They found him dead in his
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Why At-Home Parents Should be Excused From Jury Duty

It's story time, y'all. Recently, I was called into jury duty. Being a working at-home mother (I write books in addition to being an influencer), I simply couldn't do it. I sent the notice back telling the great people of LA County why I couldn't serve on the jury. A few months passed, and I received another notice from them: I was called in again and my "excuse" of being an
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Viewing the Rose Parade Floats!

I am very fortunate to live near the Rose Bowl and the Rose Parade. While I didn't get to see the parade in person this year (we entered a lottery for tickets and sadly weren't chosen), I was able to go view the floats the day after. I took Bear with me so he could experience seeing the floats like he did on TV. If you ever come to Pasadena
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Issa Gun Range

Maks has been trying to get me to go to a gun range for years. I say somewhere between when we were first married to well, now. So yeah, since we've been together almost 10 years, I say he's been trying for a while. After the recent break-in, Maks was very insistent I knew how to shoot a gun. We currently have a rifle in our home, but it's not
Mommy Commentary

So yeah, we were totally robbed…

No, that is not a bait-click title. We were robbed. Sometime when I went to Costco yesterday and was gone for a mere 3 hours, we were robbed. The crackheads (I'll get to why we feel that way) stole two iPads (both Bear's) and ten dollars in petty cash. Now, it's story time: I went to Costco and made a last dash at Toys R Us for early birthday/Christmas gifts for Bear.
Mommy Commentary

The Royal Wedding Gave Me All My Life!

I honestly I don't care about royal weddings. It's not a race thing. I simply don't care too much about royalty. I don't care what causes they do, how many kids they have, or what fashion statements they make. Nothing against royalty, but it's like either you like them, or you don't care. I don't think I ever encountered anyone who's hated them. I think the only time I was ever affected