Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Why At-Home Parents Should be Excused From Jury Duty

It's story time, y'all. Recently, I was called into jury duty. Being a working at-home mother (I write books in addition to being an influencer), I simply couldn't do it. I sent the notice back telling the great people of LA County why I couldn't serve on the jury. A few months passed, and I received another notice from them: I was called in again and my "excuse" of being an
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Viewing the Rose Parade Floats!

I am very fortunate to live near the Rose Bowl and the Rose Parade. While I didn't get to see the parade in person this year (we entered a lottery for tickets and sadly weren't chosen), I was able to go view the floats the day after. I took Bear with me so he could experience seeing the floats like he did on TV. If you ever come to Pasadena
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Issa Gun Range

Maks has been trying to get me to go to a gun range for years. I say somewhere between when we were first married to well, now. So yeah, since we've been together almost 10 years, I say he's been trying for a while. After the recent break-in, Maks was very insistent I knew how to shoot a gun. We currently have a rifle in our home, but it's not
Mommy Commentary

So yeah, we were totally robbed…

No, that is not a bait-click title. We were robbed. Sometime when I went to Costco yesterday and was gone for a mere 3 hours, we were robbed. The crackheads (I'll get to why we feel that way) stole two iPads (both Bear's) and ten dollars in petty cash. Now, it's story time: I went to Costco and made a last dash at Toys R Us for early birthday/Christmas gifts for Bear.
Mommy Commentary

The Royal Wedding Gave Me All My Life!

I honestly I don't care about royal weddings. It's not a race thing. I simply don't care too much about royalty. I don't care what causes they do, how many kids they have, or what fashion statements they make. Nothing against royalty, but it's like either you like them, or you don't care. I don't think I ever encountered anyone who's hated them. I think the only time I was ever affected
Mommy Commentary

Because Being Black While Grocery Shopping is Frowned Upon

I need to make this very clear before I continue with this blog post: I don't like Donald Trump. In fact, I've never liked him. And I probably never will. I didn't vote for him. I try very hard not to pay any attention to him. It's hard since he makes the news every single night. I honestly think he's an embarrassment to the United States and the world. That being said, when he made this
Meet the Blussians, Mommy Commentary

Why I Decided To Risk It All and Treat Myself

Okay, that title is being hella dramatic but bear with me here. I get iffy about Mother's Day. I still have a mother here and I'm one myself. But I always feel there's someone missing. For those new to my blog, I lost our first son, Ethan, several years ago due to incompetent cervix and subsequent premature birth. He lived for two hours. Ever since his untimely passing, I feel a
Mommy Commentary

New Home, New Start!

So, we recently moved. Yeah. I didn't mention it at all on this blog because well, it was hella short notice and honestly speaking, we're still moving. We moved from our wonderful neighborhood of Highland Park to nearby neighboring Pasadena. Not a bad shake! I can't get into details about said move other than the new owners of our rent-controlled apartment had a vision that didn't include the current residents.
Mommy Commentary

My Body Hates Junk Food Now

The aging process is so interesting because you never know when certain things will kick in and how they'll snatch your edges off. Kinda like that. So, a while ago, my husband and I adapted a vegetarian lifestyle for 30 days. While we're not vegetarian or vegan, the experiment did have a permanent impact on our lives. For one, we definitely don't consume as much red meat as before. Two, we're
Mommy Commentary

Do I Need to Prepare for a Mass Shooting?

Disclaimer: This is not a pro- or anti- gun control post. That being said, please be respectful in the comments.  Growing up, I can remember the first time I heard about a mass shooting. I was already in college when Columbine happened. My roommate and I, with our friends and neighbors, were gathered around her small TV in our dorm room and we watched the news with horrifying expressions. We