Meet the Blussians

Why You Need a Vacation from Social Media

Facebook. Twitter. Tumblr. Snapchat. Instagram. Peach. Periscope. And le many more I really don't care about. But you get the idea. There is so many social media apps, hubs,'s really almost too much for people to care about. I'm a bit "old-school." I remember when Myspace was the new hot sauce. I actually liked Myspace because I was able to customize my page, have music or other graphics on it, and people could leave me messages
Meet the Blussians

How Prince Inspired Me 2 B Free

I debated writing this post. While most people can claim they're Prince fans (and I'm sure just about everyone is), he resonating something deeper within me. Being a creative, I'm in a special category. In a world where people feel they can dictate how you should act, perform, and create, you're often toeing the line between doing your own thing and actually pleasing the audience. Of course, many creatives just please
Ethan, Meet the Blussians

I Should Have a Four Year Old

I should be planning a birthday party. I should make sure the cake is made just right. It might be Paw Patrol one. It might be Thomas & Friends. I should have the numerous gifts picked out because although Christmas was just a short time ago, a birthday only comes once a year. I should have local Mom friends who I regularly meet for coffee because we met at the
Meet the Blussians

The Truth About How the Clintons Really Feel

I normally don't get political on here. I try to make this a fun and safe space. But sometimes...sometimes, you need to call someone out on their bullshit. I know during an election year, people become desperate and will say just about anything to get elected (or not, depending on your conspiracy theory). However, this right here... I'm not having it... [youtube]
Meet the Blussians

It’s So Amazing To Be Loved

[youtube] Did you sing it with me? On Friday, it was our sixth wedding anniversary. My hubby surprised me with the most amazing set of roses! And he did a lot of manipulating and traveling to make it happen as well! [gallery ids="2853,2855" type="rectangular"] Over the week, he celebrated it by giving me small things.  He gave me this card - And he gave me my favorite sweet, Sprinkles Cupcakes! So here's a slideshow
Meet the Blussians

Can You Judge Without Being a Douchebag?

Judging. Side-Eyeing. Taking a second look. Yeah, we've all done it. You see something either in person or online and you take another look at the situation before you pass judgment. When people say they don't judge, bullshit! They do judge! It's how we elect state officials. It's how we test drive cars. It's how we choose schools, either for us or for our children. It's how we decide who we want
Meet the Blussians

About That Time I Landed on a Panel…What?

So, great news! Big news! Your girl is going to be at the Mixed Remixed Festival, speaking on a panel regarding  Parenting with Difference: Multiracial and Families of Transracial Adoption in Conversation. Isn't that neat? I'm so looking forward to it! Yeah, I'm that excited! If you're in the L.A area around June 10-11, come join us at the Mixed Remixed Festival. I'll be speaking on the 11th and Maks and Bear will be there
Meet the Blussians

And this is Why NASA’s Endeavor is Awesome

A few weeks ago, we took a long-awaited trip to see the space shuttle Endeavor at the California Science Center. Can I tell you how wonderfully awesome it is in person? Growing up, I remember hearing about the space explorations all of the time. I also remember one quite unfortunate moment (which I'll explain later), but I remember being in awe of it all. I credit my husband for bringing out my