Mommy Commentary

Need a Last-Minute Gift Idea? My Christmas Gnomes Coloring Book!

Tis the season to be jolly and color! Some kids are already out of school (mine still has a few more days before it's all over for two weeks). If you want something different other than gaming (and trust, I know this as an expert of peeling my child away from the gaming), here is my Christmas Gnomes coloring book for you! It's real simple and plus, it's so
Mommy Commentary

How to Have a Great Holiday Season Without Being Broke-Ass

So, here's the deal: Everybody and they mama is broke this year. If it's not inflation, it's lack of job opportunities. And with a combination of both, not a lot of people have money this year. With Hanukkah wrapping up, and Christmas just around the corner, this post may be a little too late for some people. But for a lot who still want a festive season without breaking