It takes a lot to be a Mom.
Besides the constant cooking, cleaning, homework-helping, grocery-store running, PTA meeting-attending, playdate-hosting, and a host of other things…you’re not left with a whole lot of time just for you!
However, the time you end up having can be super productive if you want to be! I came up with a list of 15 hobbies for all moms to partake in (not at once!), but something to give Moms a hobby that’s not their husbands and kids.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
Start a garden
If you’ve followed me, I have a garden. If you’re new to me, I have a garden! LOL. It’s a lot of hard work but it’s one of the most fulfilling things I’ve done with my time. Plus, I love to see my bounty after a great harvesting season!
Learn how to crochet
During the pandemic, I learned how to crochet via YouTube. I still have a rainbow blanket project I need to finish, but so far, I’ve finished two blankets! It’s a lot of fun, and getting addicted to yarn is so dangerous!
Subscribe to a podcast
There are a few podcasts I’m subscribed to. But I love true crime, Grammar Girl, and Meghan Markle.
Learn a new language
I’m currently learning both Spanish and Ukrainian. I use Duolingo, and it’s been challenging but fun. I try to spend at least an hour each day but if I don’t have an hour, I try to do the minimum 15 minutes.
Do Yoga
I got back into yoga recently and it’s a bit of a habit now. Not only does it help me calm the hell down, but also, it’s been great for my menstrual cycles and overall heart health!
Speaking of yoga, meditation does go hand-in-hand with it. I usually meditate while in the shower after a good yoga session to reflect on my day. I highly recommend the Insight Timer app.
I know volunteering at Bear’s PTA doesn’t quite count, but it’s something I really enjoy doing!
We have a duplex so we’re constantly downsizing and it’s a great stress relief. Plus, do you really need all those things?
Host a garage sale
Speaking of decluttering, lol, might as well make some money from your old and discarded items. Whatever you don’t sell, donate!
Try a new recipe
I have my tried-and-true favorites, but it’s always great to add something special and new to the mix. Plus, Bear and Maks are willing to be guinea pigs for my culinary experiments.
Create a photobook
I started a photobook when Bear was born and I haven’t quite finished it. But while I have a lot of his performances, etc, in various cloud storages, it’s nice to print them out and create books of them.
Meal plan
I’m a little conflicted on this being a hobby as it’s more of a task than anything. However, I will mention meal planning has helped me save a ton of money so maybe it’s a good hobby?
This is also another hobby I’m interested in pursuing but for more monetary reasons. Maks has a few cameras but he does it more as a hobby, but I’m more interested in doing cheap senior/couple/family photos.
Create your own products to sell on Etsy
There are a ton of YouTubers who have tutorials on creating products to sell on Etsy. Go check them out!
Start a YouTube channel
This is also another one I’m conflicted about. I have a YouTube channel that is more of a hobby (though I should upload/post more), but if you have a niche, it’s also a great way to make passive income.
Those are my recommendations for Mom hobbies! What hobbies are you into?