It’s been one interesting year on Meet the Blussians.
I got back into regularly blogging on here after taking some time off to, well, recharge. 2020 was a doozy and 2021 was only slightly better.
It’s best to do this post by going through the highs and lows of the year with a spectacular wrap-up for next. LFG!
Bear had to stay home from school. This year found him being off from school for a full year since March 2020. While Bear was a trooper and he had plenty of interaction online with his friends, it wasn’t the same as physically interacting with his friends in person.
Bear returned to school! Bear returned to school in-person in April. It was like nothing ever happened. He stayed masked up and had plenty of hand sanitizer with him. He had a blast!

Bear didn’t get to do swimming this year. It wasn’t because of money, but rather time. We just ran out of time.
Bear was in a summer school program that did take most of the summer. He had a blast and learned how to do such crafts as making hand scrub, scented salts, and plenty of drawings. Bear is quite the artist!
Maks was off work for most of the year. I actually got used to Maks working at home, but I understand how crucial the time away from home is. At least he was able to decompress when he was commuting instead of figuring out ways to decompress at home.
Maks went back to work and it’s been a challenge. We’re still figuring out ways for him to decompress because there’s a lot of stress even at his work and sometimes, his work comes home with him.
I’ve been visiting my parents a lot more because I’m helping them recover from various illnesses. I’m glad I have a reliable car to visit them often.
Visiting my parents a lot more! Bear has gotten closer to his grandparents and sees his cousins in Palm Springs often. He’s really connected to my side of the family and I’m so thankful.
We weren’t able to go out to eat as much because of all of the restrictions.
But we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves when we did! We were very patient with our servers and tipped them very well!

We weren’t able to do as many family activities as before.
But we did catch up with some of them! We had a lot of fun at home, and went to one of our favorite excursions – the farm!

Overall, it was a solid year. It could’ve been better, yes, but I’m happy with how it turned out. I think 2022 is going to a year for the ages and I can’t wait for everything in store!
Happy New Year and I’ll see y’all in 2022!