Mommy Commentary boredom

100 Ways to Kill Boredom

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I’ll keep this short and sweet. Sometimes, you get bored and you really don’t know what to do. Well, here’s a list to cure your boredom! And let’s goooooooo!

  1. Go for a walk.
  2. Play a video game on your phone or console.
  3. Start a blog.
  4. Check in with friends (this is always a great one!)
  5. Color (and I have coloring books!)
  6. Start a journal (and I have journals for you to purchase!)
  7. Meditate. (I recommend this app!)
  8. Do yoga.
  9. Workout.
  10. Try a new recipe.
  1. Try a new coffee shop.
  2. Try a new restaurant.
  3. Pick up a new hobby.
  4. Learn how to play Among Us.
  5. Create a Roblox account.
  6. Create a Minecraft account.
  7. Paint Your Nails.
  8. Get your nails done.
  9. Do crossword puzzles.
  10. Recycle.
  1. Donate – clothing, toys, whatever you don’t need.
  2. Watch Marie Kondo. She’ll change your life.
  3. Color your hair.
  4. Experiment with makeup.
  5. Update your resume.
  6. Take a bath or shower (and white people, please do this!)
  7. Go online shopping
  8. Stream Netflix, Hulu, or your favorite streaming service.
  9. Watch a documentary.
  10. Research places to volunteer (when it’s safe to do so).
  1. Paint your walls.
  2. Learn about wine and their different pairings.
  3. Switch up your decor.
  4. Tackle that drawer full of stuff. You know the one.
  5. Shred old documents.
  6. Go over your credit report.
  7. Donate to a gofundme. I actually have one you can donate to.
  8. Wash your car.
  9. Clean out your car.
  10. Clean your home.
  1. Play a game.
  2. Update your music playlists.
  3. Create a Pinterest account.
  4. Bake.
  5. Cook.
  6. Discover a new podcast.
  7. Try a new workout.
  8. Call your parents.
  9. Call your siblings.
  10. Go to a museum.
  1. Make sure you’re registered to vote.
  2. Learn a different language.
  3. Make an inventory of your items and take pictures.
  4. Update all of your insurance and important documents.
  5. Organize your file cabinet.
  6. Listen to a different genre of music.
  7. Read a book.
  8. Review a book.
  9. Find an online book club.
  10. Find an online group that shares your interest.
  1. Adopt a pet.
  2. Plan your next trip.
  3. Plan your next vacation.
  4. Go to a Farmer’s Market.
  5. Practice flower arrangements.
  6. Meal plan for the week. (It’ll save you money!)
  7. Set a savings goal.
  8. Make a bucket list.
  9. Research alcohol recipes.
  10. Christmas shop! (It’s never too early for Christmas shopping!)
  1. Create a charcuterie board! (Click this post for ideas!)
  2. Purge your phone of old, useless photos.
  3. Create a financial plan.
  4. Organize your phone.
  5. Make plans to see a concert.
  6. Rearrange your kitchen.
  7. Update your bedroom decor.
  8. Dress your backyard and/or porch.
  9. Purchase a succulent.
  10. Create your own disinfectant!
  1. Create a different makeup look.
  2. Research home prices in your area (for home ideas or to see how yours compare).
  3. Change your hairstyle.
  4. Give yourself a spa day.
  5. Disconnect from the internet for an hour.
  6. Watch a new sport.
  7. Go thrift shopping.
  8. Shop on Etsy.
  9. Make a gallery art wall of your own or your child’s artwork.
  10. Watch indie films.
  1. Start a garden.
  2. Clean out your medicine cabinet.
  3. Clean out your refrigerator.
  4. Clean out your pantry.
  5. Learn more about climate change and what you can do to help.
  6. Check out the trending topics on Twitter.
  7. Write a letter to a friend or family member.
  8. Send a card. Just because.
  9. Learn how to make salsa.
  10. Purchase an expensive candle. Just because.

There you have it! I just gave you a 100 ‘I ain’t bored anymore’ ideas! I’ve already tried quite a few on the list. I hope you have some success with this! 🙂

About Post Author


Hi, I'm Crystal! Mother of 1 human, 3 cats, and a glorified housewife to a fantastic man. Let's have fun and enjoy life together!
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