It’s taken me some years to realize it but after not having a traditional job for several years now and no plans to go back to the working field yet, I like experimenting with my look.
Where I’m at, spiritually speaking, is different from where I was even a year ago. I’m finally at peace and accepted everything there is to accept. It’s part of the long-term growing pains.
So, I decided to change my look yet again. But this time, I documented it!
First, I started off my day by dropping Bear off at school:
Then I got a quick coffee break at the local bodega. I plucked a poppy, which I learned I shouldn’t have done that since it’s kinda illegal.
Then it was off to my hair appointment!
Honestly, this is the first time my hair had heat on it since I went natural back in 2014.
When she fluffed out my hair, I was stone shocked at how high it could get. o.O
Now the braids.
Finished look. I felt like a Nubian Queen.
It’s not an original look, I know this. But it’s new for me and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do but never had the gall to do it. So yay!
For those wondering, my necklace is a Hello Kitty with an ‘E’ on it. 🙂
Feelin' Fly and Cocky-Fresh

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