Pregnant After a Late Loss, Pregnant After a Loss

One Sweet Day   Every month on the 13th, I take a moment to reflect. If I can't spend the day alone, I usually find a quiet area to just decompress and reflect: where I have been, where I am, where I am going. Ethan was born on December 13, 2011. That date is permanently tattooed on my brain. It's been 17 months since he went to Heaven and I've thought about Ethan more during
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Week by Week

I’m Lovin’ it – Yoda Week 13

Today officially marks the beginning of the second trimester for us! Yay! Let's see how Yoda is doing this week: According to Buckle up folks, we're about to head into trimester two! Your little womb tenant is getting bigger and smarter every day! Their skin is paper-thin and rather see-through, showing off all their shiny new functioning and still-developing organs. Their sense of taste and smell are more developed and refined while