product reviews

The Best Lip Care Products for Your Pout!

I have full lips. It's pretty obvious I do. No, no fillers. No, no injections, neither. Just God. And because I have some serious full lips, I have to take great pains into caring for them. It means a looooooooot of water. Yes, you hydrate from the inside out, ladies (and gents!). It also means I have to buy products for my lips to keep them sexy and smooth.
Black-owned, product reviews

You Need to Get These Must-Haves To Stay Sane!

I've been big on self-care lately. Taking much-needed time out for yourself to remind you exactly who the f*ck you are and why you're such a badass. But sometimes, you need to have a time-out before you can do all of that. Everyone loves to act like they're a boss bitch online, but even the bossiest of bitches need to slow their roll and get back down to basics.
Mommy Commentary

These 8 Things Could Be Holding You Back from Happiness

Manifestation. It seems that's the in-word nowadays. People want to manifest peace. Others want to manifest money. Some want to manifest good grades. We all have something we desire, and manifesting seems the way to go. While it's become an "in thing", manifestation is nothing new. If you pray, that's manifesting. If you put something out in the universe, that's manifesting. Manifesting comes in different forms and many people
Mommy Commentary

25 Self-Care Tips!

Maintaining mental health has been especially hard during this ongoing pandemic. Between keeping yourself safe and making sure your family and friends are safe, things are constantly changing. And it can be super hard to keep up and furthermore, keep adjusting. According to the Mayo Clinic, surveys show a major increase in the number of U.S. adults who report symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia during the pandemic.