Kids' Activities, Mommy Commentary

Painting Planters

Over the past week, we decided to paint planters. I've really taken up gardening as a great hobby. And there is nothing like growing and eating your own food. And since you take care of it, you know it's organic, which is the best ever! I wanted to spice up our garden a bit so we all did an activity where we each painted a planter. Materials: Planters (they're relatively
Meet the Blussians

Garden Update!

[caption id="attachment_9502" align="alignnone" width="1536"] Going to Home Depot has now become a tradition of sorts. [/caption] My new home project of creating a garden is fully underway. (Click here for a refresher.) Here's an update on how things are coming along: Here is an updated picture of the small and cozy garden. Let's go by each plant. Construction toys are not included. Bell Peppers: [gallery ids="9487,9486" type="rectangular"] I'm super excited at how the bell peppers