Russian Soul Sundays

Tempeh Taco Salad

I know, I know... It's been a hella long time since I posted anything vegan on here. Laziness is really the excuse. Now that's out of the way, lol, let me talk to you about a recipe I just found - tempeh tacos. I noticed a lot of vegan recipes use a lot of the same ingredients - tofu, tempeh, and jackfruit - in various forms. While it might be exciting at
Russian Soul Sundays

First Week Vegetarian (Sorta…)

So, hubby and I just did our first full week of being semi-vegetarians (we're still eating/going to eat) chicken, turkey, and fish, but incorporating a lot more plant-based foods. How did it go? Let's break it down by the pros and cons: Our grocery bill became much nicer! We were spending upwards to $200 a week on groceries (yeah, no lie). So, our first week's bill shrunk all the way done to