Russian Soul Sundays

Tempeh Taco Salad

I know, I know... It's been a hella long time since I posted anything vegan on here. Laziness is really the excuse. Now that's out of the way, lol, let me talk to you about a recipe I just found - tempeh tacos. I noticed a lot of vegan recipes use a lot of the same ingredients - tofu, tempeh, and jackfruit - in various forms. While it might be exciting at
Meet the Blussians

Vegan Restaurant Review – Sage Vegan Bistro in Pasadena, CA.

Getting back to doing reviews of vegan recipes, products, and local restaurants, I decided to try Sage Vegan that's located pretty close to me in the great city of Pasadena. You know about Pasadena, right? Home of the Rose Bowl, the Granddaddy of Them All, Rose Bowl Parade, and all sorts of goodness. Even though Sage wasn't that far from me, it took me forever to find it! It's located